No.18 May 2021

Creation of a new science of Cardiometry

Dear readers

The main focus of this issue of our journal is Cardiometry, which has been developed as a new fundamental science found nowadays in a widespread use.

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Genome expression induced by specific low-intensity EMF as an effective method for increasing immunity

Considered is the genome expression induced by specific low-intensity EMF as an effective method for increasing immunity. The positive effect produced by our specific EMF therapy on the functional state of the neuron has been experimentally evidenced.
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Method for estimation of the pulse wave propagation velocity by a manual pneumatic arterial pressure sensor

The paper discusses a new method for diagnosing atherosclerosis using a pneumatic arterial blood pressure sensor previously developed by the authors hereof. The possibility of applying a pneumatic sensor to measure the pulse wave transit time referring to a synchronous ECG is treated herein.
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Development of the single ventricle heart mathematical model based on the equation of forced oscillations

Not only protozoa being the simplest organisms have a single ventricle heart. Artificial heart systems used in cardiac surgery can be also of the single-ventricle design.
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Dental status of patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus

This article discusses some regional features of the structure of dental morbidity in patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.
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Motivational interactive prevention in outpatients with ischemic heart disease

Working women suffering from ischemic heart disease (IHD), who receive ambulance cardiology treatment, have completed their training course at our Health School (HS)
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Original research

Influence of standard and stimulated growth of B16/F10 melanoma on AIF levels in mitochondria in cells of the heart and other somatic organs in female mice

Aims: studying AIF levels in mitochondria in cells of the heart and various organs in female mice with the growth of experimental melanoma B16 / F10 and comorbid pathology.
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Original research

Insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins in the heart in rats in experimental diabetes mellitus, growing Guerin’s carcinoma and under their combination

Diabetes mellitus is an additional risk factor for the development of heart diseases, cardiovascular dysfunction and malignant tumors.
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Original research

The state of intracardiac hemodynamics in the elderly people with arterial hypertension, taking into account age, gender differences and geographic climatic living conditions

We conducted a study of the state of intracardiac hemodynamics in elderly patients with hypertension in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, taking into account age, gender and geographic climatic differences.
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The performance of the human cardiovascular system and longevity: considerations from the standpoint of Cardiometry

Presented is the standpoint of cardiometry on the performance of the human cardiovascular system and longevity. Internal and external factors responsible for the cardiovascular system performance and longevity are identified.
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Original research

Cardiometric assessment of toxicity of the experimental antitumor chemotherapy and the cardio-protective effect made by L-carnitine

The aim is to conduct a cardiometric assessment of formation of acute and late toxic disorders in experimental animals with Guerin's carcinoma during carboplatin chemotherapy against the background of L-carnitine medication.
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Original research

Research study on the efficiency of a defibrillating biphasic pulse of various durations based on mathematical modeling and simulation of a cardiomyocyte

The paper presents the results of our research study on the impact of different durations of a biphasic rectangular pulse on the efficiency of the defibrillating action based on modeling and simulation of a cardiomyocyte in the framework of Cell Electrophysiology Simulation Environment.
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Original research

Left distal radial artery approach versus conventional radial artery for coronary angiography

We aimed to evaluate feasibility, contrast utilization and complications of trans-radial approach comparing the left distal trans-radial artery (lt. dTRA) access versus conventional right trans-radial artery (rt. TRA) access in coronary angiography.
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Impact of the academic performance grades on the blood picture in female students

The paper presents the blood picture patterns in female students with different average academic performance grades in their record book.
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Original research

Mortality from circulatory system diseases in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in 2015-2019

Aim of the study is to analyze the mortality rates of the population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) from circulatory system diseases (CSD) for the period 2015-2019 to determine measures to reduce the mortality of the population of the Republic.
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Original research

Content of apoptosis factors and self-organization processes in the mitochondria of heart cells in female mice C57BL/6 under growth of melanoma B16 / F10 linked with comorbid pathology

The aim is to study some mechanisms of regulation of apoptosis and self-organization in the mitochondria in the heart cells in female mice during the growth of experimental melanoma B16/F10 linked with chronic neurogenic pain as comorbid pathology.
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Original research

The incidence rate of arterial hypertension and high normal blood pressure in students of Medical Faculty at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University

The aim is to assess the incidence rate of arterial hypertension (AH) and high normal arterial pressure (HNAP) in students of the Medical Faculty at the Kabardino-Balkarian State University.
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Cardiometric criteria for diagnostics, therapy, and prediction of COVID-19 virus infection development under hospital conditions

Identified are the cardiometric criteria for diagnostics, therapy, and prediction of COVID-19 virus infection development under hospital conditions. The high efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 has been established in case of the use of the low-intensity EMF therapeutic device EZh-2.
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Reverse techniques as a means of increasing the validity of the cardio-oculometric diagnostics

The article presents empirical data confirming the validity of our assumption that the use of reverse modes in operations with visual stimuli presented on the eyetracker screen allows us effectively assessing the degree of respondents’ honesty in work.
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Original research

The effect of diabetes mellitus under tumor growth on respiratory function and free radical processes in heart cell mitochondria in rats

The aim is to study the effect of comorbid pathology, namely, diabetes mellitus, on free radical oxidation in the mitochondria in the heart cells in female rats with experimental Guerin carcinoma.
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Original research

Impact of exercise on the activity of the autonomic nervous system among patients with acute myocardial infarction: A case-control study

Considering the diversity of proposed programs, various studies yielded different findings in this regard.
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Original research

Cardiorespiratory system in female students when adapting to university studies

The article describes the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in female students in the process of their adaptation to educational activities.
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Original research

Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of a local hemostatic agent modified with a bio-organic composition

Constant attention to the study of the experience of using hemostatic products proposed for local bleeding arrest encourages new developments in this field.
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Original research

State of free-radical processes in the heart cell mitochondria under melanoma В16/F10 growth against the background of chronic neurogenic pain as comorbid pathology

The aim hereof has been to investigate the dynamics of processes of free radical oxidation and antioxidant protection in the heart cell mitochondria in female mice of strain С57ВL/6 at different stages of the В16/F10 melanoma growth under the comorbid pathology conditions, namely, chronic neurogenic pain.
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Original research

Hemodynamic and adaptive correlates of transcranial magnetotherapy in patients with high-grade malignant brain gliomas in the early postsurgery period

The results of this study have demonstrated the possibility of improving the efficiency of restoring hemodynamics and an adaptive status in patients with high-grade brain tumors by using transcranial magnetic therapy (TMT).
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