Publication fees

Our Journal main goal is to provide the audience with up-to-date research papers and other materials, strictly following the appropriate quality requirements and widely disseminating them freely available online immediately upon publication. The above process includes the following services support and the following works execution: archiving in Clockss to preserve the Journal’s content, plagiarism detection, rigorous editorial and peer review process, indexation in different aggregators and A&Is, including ESCI WoS, Embase (Elsevier), DOAJ, EBSCO, Crossref DOIs and others, for better dissemination of manuscripts.

Cardiometry supports providing open access through “gold” route. It is when authors (or affiliated institutions or funders) pay an Article Publishing Charge, covering the expenses on the described above procedures, upon the manuscript acceptance. After article acceptance all necessary documents (invoice and Agreement) are sent to the Corresponding author. Articles of special interest to the audience or from low-income countries/charitable institutions may be processed freely to authors and be sponsored by Russian New University. Such decision is usually made by Cardiometry Editorial Board.

We also can provide authors with translation services. Prices are negotiable.

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