Section policies

Description of manuscript types

Original research articles will provide detailed description of scientific findings within the scope of the journal. Cardiometry considers all types of original research articles. We accept manuscripts of any length.

Reports present important new research results of broad significance. Reports should include an unstructured abstract (up to 250 words), up to five keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods section, Results and Discussion (if necessary) and Conclusions. There are no explicit length limitations to Reports.

Short reports provide short description of results of clinical trials, healthcare projects, etc.

Case reports highlight unique presentations of clinical practice that may expand the differential diagnosis and improve patient care and/or provide a starting point for novel research.

Technical reports describe the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem.

Conference reports provide brief reports of symposia and conferences authors participate in. Only papers dealing with topics of interest to the readership that contain novel information from the meeting will be accepted for publication.

Reviews do not cover original research but rather accumulate the results of many different articles on a particular topic within the scope of the journal and summarize the information based on a careful search of literature. Reviews also provide journal references to the original research and may be entirely narrative or provide quantitative summary of the previously published manuscripts. Combining results from different studies on the same topic can be helpful in reaching useful scientific conclusions. We accept reviews of any length.

Letters to the Editors provide a forum for readers in response to articles published in the journal in the spirit of open scientific dialogue. Letters to the Editor will be peer reviewed and may be sent to the author(s) of the discussed article and possibly to other interested parties for a response to be published in the journal. The length of publication is up to the authors, but conciseness is appreciated.

Editorials are written in house by members of the editorial staff and/or invited authors, not externally peer reviewed.

Lectures are discussions of the topics covered by Cardiometry and aimed to highlight the current state of affairs in the field to a wide audience, especially students and young scientists. Not externally peer reviewed.

Opinions are intended to provide a place for the expression of views on various issues covered by the Journal. If primary data is included in the submission, it should be subjected to rigorous peer-review, as would any research article. Not externally peer reviewed.

Essay. Cardiometry accepts non-research articles accessible to a broad audience including educators, students, physicians, patients and everybody interested. Such articles are essays. They discuss topics of biological, medical or engineering importance that are unexplored or challenging, may comment on some controversial areas, offer historical or philosophical interpretation on a problem. The majority of essays are published by invitation. Essays are not peer-reviewed but editors work closely with authors to ensure that articles are written in an appropriate manner.

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