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Research study on the efficiency of a defibrillating biphasic pulse of various durations based on mathematical modeling and simulation of a cardiomyocyte

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The paper presents the results of our research study on the impact of different durations of a biphasic rectangular pulse on the efficiency of the defibrillating action based on modeling and simulation of a cardiomyocyte in the framework of Cell Electrophysiology Simulation Environment. We used Luo-Rudy Mammalian Ventricular Model II (dynamic) as the mathematical model of the biochemical processes, which occur both on the surface and inside a cardiomyocyte in a guinea pig. An analysis of the obtained results allowed us to determine the optimal time of the defibrillating pulse. It has been shown that a pulse of 4 ms duration has the highest efficiency. The research has been carried out directly based on the mathematical model and simulation of the cardiomyocyte that makes it possible to minimize errors which may occur in experiments on animals.


Nikolay N. Chernov, Aleksandr А. Bezverkhii. Investigation of the efficiency of a defibrillating biphasic pulse of various durations based on a mathematical model of a cardiomyocyte. Cardiometry; Issue 18; May 2021; p.44-49; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2021.18.4449; Available from:


Transthoracic defibrillation,  Biphasic pulse,  Current stabilization,  Cardiomyocyte repolarization,  Ventricular fibrillation
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