About journal

The initiative group, decided to issue a journal, has over 40 years of experience in biophysical research. With great experience of research from mere suggestion to application of the results in mainstream production, and scientific literature publishing experience, we paid attention to the system contradictions existing in cardiology. Firstly to those ones which significantly hinder progress in cardiology. For example, a clear understanding of the principles of functional cooperation of different parts of cardiovascular system still does not exist in the conventional cardiology. It is due to the lack of theoretical models describing the processes of hemodynamics. Hemodynamic parameters are described in the most archaic way and can not be used in general practice. Standards for diagnosis in electrocardiology are based only on the past experience and show significant contradictions. The term "evidence-based medicine", and namely, its foundation does not stand up to criticism. The system of education in medical universities contributes to such a state of things. Study of the principles of scientific research is not included in medical curriculum, and therefore physicians are not able to identify the cause-and-effect relations of pathology and analyze the effectiveness of therapy in their practice.

Difference of approaches to the theories between physicians and engineers of medical equipment significantly affects the development of cardiology. It results that no measurement criteria and basic metrology in cardiology are available. The existing journals in cardiology are very narrowly focused. It does not promote the proper understanding of the issues by the cardiologists in their fields, and especially their perception of new developments in related fields. The nomenclature of the European cardiology journals, as well as the U.S. ones, is very diverse. Despite all this, they often publish articles of the same type, making it difficult to identify anything of the innovative sort in cardiology. But none of the existing journals deals with measurements in cardiology and especially metrology.

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