Embargo policies

Authors are allowed to present their works ahead of publication: at scientific conferences, public databases, blogs and other informal communication channels. But we recommend that authors not contact the media unless an article has been accepted for publication and an embargo date has been established. This will help to ensure that your work is the full peer-reviewed paper and is freely available to any interested reader. If mass media has covered a paper ahead of publication, this will not affect consideration of the work for publication.

We do not discuss any submitted manuscript with anyone other than the corresponding author before the manuscript has been accepted for publication in the journal. All information provided by Cardiometry is subject to a press embargo whose date and time will be clearly stated. If we choose to press release an article, we will release advance notice of that article, contact the corresponding authors and include in the release his/her contact information, along with relevant institutional affiliations, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

If you are a blogger, journalist or freelancer willing to be eligible to receive embargoed material from Cardiometry, please let us know at [email protected]. Such eligible recipients may not publish embargoed material anywhere before the clearly marked precise embargo date and time. They may share embargoed materials only with experts in the field to seek comment and are responsible for ensuring that all parties they communicate will honor the embargo. Failure to adhere to the embargo policy will result in cancellation of access to all Cardiometry embargoed materials.

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