Editor in chief
Vladimir A. Zernov

Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Editor-in-Chief in open access scientific e-journal Cardiometry.
Born in January, 2, 1952 in Belgorod region (the former USSR).
1969 – 1978 Student, postgraduate of Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology.
1978 – 1985 Associate Professor of Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology.
1985 – 1990 Tutor, adviser of Government Department of Science and Education.
1991 – until now Rector of Russian New University (RosNOU).
1996 – until now Chairman of the Council of Association of Private Universities in Russia.
2002 – D.'s Dissertation
Prof. Zernov is one of the founders of the theory of cardiac cycle phase analysis, theory of cardiometry as a fundamentally new scientific field in cardiology. Prof. Zernov is one of the developers of the unique device for cardiovascular noninvasive diagnostics Cardiocode, using the principles of cardiometry and applying the proprietary software developed in Russia.
Fields of research: physics, biophysics, bioengineering, mathematical modeling in cardiology, including hemodynamics, biophysical and mathematical modeling, the performance of the human cardiovascular system, heart cycle phase analysis, cardiometry, cardiovascular system diagnostics with application of modern computer technologies including digital processing. Prof. Zernov supervised 6 doctoral and more than 20 postgraduate degrees.
Vladimir A. Zernov is an author of more than 100 scientific papers published in Russian and international journals; holder of 7 invention/discovery patents. Among his papers in the field of cardiometry the following should be highlighted:
- Theoretical Principles of Heart Cycle Phase Analysis. ISBN 978-578-09470-0, Fouqué Literaturverlag. New York. (2011).
- Patent No. 2282393. Method for cardiac cycle phase duration measurement and the device for its implementation. 2004.
- Herzzyklus-Phasenanalyse und Diagnostik mit dem Geraet CARDIOCODE – 1 (Teil I Elektrokardiographie). Wien: Wilhelm Maudrich, 2005
- Patent No. 2345709. Method for rheogram synchronous recording using the ECG electrodes and the device for its implementation. Zernov V.A., et al. 2009.
- Patent No. 74283. Device for ECG and Rheo recording. / Zernov V.A., et al. 2008.
- Innovation in cardiology. A new diagnostic standard establishing criteria of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of main parameters of the cardiac and cardiovascular system according to ECG and Rheo based on cardiac cycle phase analysis. Nature Precedings. 2009.
- Study of Hemodynamic Parameters Using Phase Analysis of the Cardiac Cycle. Biomedical Engineering. Volume 43, Number 4. 2009. p. 151-155.
- WORLD CONGRESS OF CARDIOLOGY, Scientific Sessions 2010, Circulation Vol 122, No 2 July 13, 2010, р. 2.
- Fundamental Research on the Mechanism of Cardiovascular System Hemodynamics Self-Regulation and Determination of the Norm-Pathology Boundary for the Basic Hemodynamic Parameters and Analysis of the Compensation Mechanism as a Method of Revealing the Underlying Causes of the Disease. Heart Rhythm Vol. 9, Issue 11, Pages 1909-1910. November 2012.
- Control of Cardiovascular System, The Cardiovascular System - Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications, Dr. David Gaze (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0534-3, (2012).
- The Diagnostic Performance of Cardiovascular System and Evaluation of Hemodynamic Parameters Based on Heart Cycle Phase Analysis, The Cardiovascular System - Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications, (2012).
- Biophysical Phenomena in Blood Flow System in the Process of Indirect Arterial Pressure Measurement, The Cardiovascular System - Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications, (2012).
- Interrelation Between the Changes of Phase Functions of Cardiac Muscle Contraction and Biochemical Processes as an Algorithm for Identifying Local Pathologies in Cardiovascular System, The Cardiovascular System - Physiology, Diagnostics and Clinical Implications, (2012).
Prof. Zernov V.A. is a Chairman of the Council of Association of Private Universities in Russia, regional supervisor under Project «National Innovation System» supported by All-Russian political party UNITED RUSSIA»; he is a Member of the Russian Public Council of Education Development, Member of Board of Trustees of the Association of Foreign Students in Russia. Prof. Zernov carries out active research in the field of improving the quality of education, including cardiological issues, integration of the Russian science in the international scientific and educational community. His interests also cover issues on influence of innovations on state and society, competitiveness of economy taking into consideration the level of development of science.
Contact details
Prof. Vladimir A. Zernov
e-mail:[email protected]