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Mortality from circulatory system diseases in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in 2015-2019

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Aim of the study is to analyze the mortality rates of the population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) from circulatory system diseases (CSD) for the period 2015-2019 to determine measures to reduce the mortality of the population of the Republic.


Materials and methods

The data of Rosstat on the number of deaths classified by statistically recorded causes were used according to official “Brief Classification of Causes of Death”. The level and dynamics of total mortality and mortality from CSD of the population of the Republic for the above five-year period, the nosological structure of the causes of death of the CSD class, the share of CSD in the structure of the total mortality of the population of KBR were studied herein. Non-standardized mortality rates were utilized.


Mortality from CSD in 2019 was reported to be 384.3 per 100 thousand population (46.1% of deaths from all causes). The share of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) (I60-I69) of all deaths from CSD was 34.5% and that from ischemic heart disease (IHD) (I20-I25) reached 21.7%. Over the five-year period, the mortality rate from CSD decreased by 103.2 per 100 thousand of the population. There was an increase in mortality from hypertension (23.8 per 100 thousand population in 2015 against 26.1 per 100 thousand population in 2019) and from myocardial infarction (15.7 per 100 thousand population in 2015 against 16.5 per 100 thousand population in 2019).


Despite the recorded decrease in mortality, CSD retains a leading position in the structure of mortality in the Republic. The revealed features of the structure and dynamics of mortality from CSD dictate the need to develop a set of measures to improve medical care for patients with CSD. Conducting an epidemiological study seems to be an important step towards a comprehensive analysis of the situation and an introduction of targeted prevention programs.


Aksana M. Kаrdаngushevа, Madina T. Dokhova, Antonina F. Budnik, Albina A. Pshukova, Leila D. Kardanova, Artur V. Zhirikov, Olga V. Voronova, Marat A. Kardanov. Mortality from circulatory system diseases in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in 2015-2019. Cardiometry; Issue 18; May 2021; p.92-99; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2021.18.9299; Available from:


Mortality,  Causes of death,  Diseases of the circulatory system,  ICD-10,  Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
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