What is cardiometry?

It is translated from Latin as “measurement of heart performance”. Modern cardiometry can be interpreted as a new field in cardiology providing application of the most up-to-date technologies of measurements of heart and cardiovascular system performance parameters and considered as an interdisciplinary scientific field joining cardiology, biophysics, biomechanics, IT and metrology that opens up great perspectives in the conventional cardiology for non-invasive express diagnostics and prevention.

The Journal is devoted mainly to cardiological issues, and one of the main subject areas of our Journal is cardiovascular system performance and diagnostics including prevention and therapy of cardiovascular system diseases. Please pay attention to the fact that our interpretation of the definition cardiometry is much wider. In our interpretation, cardiometry is a fundamentally new field in cardiology based on application of the Natural Sciences methodology and philosophy. Cardiometry is based on application of the methods of proving, axiomatics, ways of theoretical and practical substantiation, precise mathematical apparatus and other techniques inherent for natural sciences to cardiology and medicine in general, i.e. in the fields of knowledge based only on statistical proving, the so-called “evidence-based medicine”. That explains the fact we have so many bioengineers and physicist in our Editorial Board. As already said, cardiometry is a new field, so we do not require from all our authors to use cardiometrical approach in research, but we encourage them to do it.

We accept and review all fresh conceptual approaches used by authors in their research in cardiology, cardiovascular system diagnostics, biophysics, hemodynamics and other disciplines allied to cardiology. At the moment Cardiometry is the only journal in the world considering cardiology from the point of view of natural sciences like physics, mathematics, etc. In the Journal we try to develop the methods of cardiometry which find their wide application in cardiology and allied fields.

Metrology plays a significant role in the development of cardiometry. Application of the metrological laws in cardiological research is an important part of cardiometry as a scientific field.

The separate section of the Journal is devoted to philosophy of science, methodology of research, healthy life style and alternative medicine.

If you and your colleagues are interested in cardiometrical methods of research please feel free to contact us. Our team will be pleased to support you and submit more details, we can arrange webinars or offer other forms of cooperation.

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