No.11 November 2017

EMR: influences and effects on the cardiovascular system performance

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Our journal is 5 years old! Let’s make the first summary of our history! It took us a relatively short time to get recognition by the world scientific community: we present in CARDIOMETRY hot topics only. Most papers herein are devoted to a new science: cardiometry.

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Original research

The pattern of the immune processes during activation therapy with the use of microwave electromagnetic radiation

The mechanisms of anti-tumor action of low intensity factors of activation therapy remain little investigated. The aim of the present paper is to study the changes in the immune system organs, the state of blood leukocytes and tumor area under effective activation therapy in tumor-bearing animals using EMR microwave range. The research is relevant due to the immune processes influence on cardiovascular system performance.
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Use of physical factors of electromagnetic nature for decreasing complications in respiratory and cardiovascular systems in patients after surgical treatment of lung cancer

Surgical treatment of lung cancer is associated with a high risk of postoperative complications in cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Studied is the ability to prevent the postoperative complications in respiratory and cardiovascular system when exposed to ultra low frequency magnetic field in the given category of patients.
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Original research

Xenon effect on electro­physiological markers in oncology patients with postcastration ­syndrome during early post­operative period: pilot studies

Breast cancer (BC) takes a leading position among all malignant neoplasms in women. One of the critical aspects of the radical treatment of BC is the development of post-castration syndrome (PCS) in patients of reproductive age, who as a rule reach physiological, social and professional maturity, competence and status in the period up to 45 years of age.
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Original research

Mechanisms of electromagnetic influences and effects on membrane systems in neurons and cardiomyocytes

The aim of our studies was to discover responses of the membrane systems in neurons and cardiomyocytes as well as mechanisms of influences and effects produced by the broadband-spectrum stochastic electromagnetic radiation (BBSS EMR) on them according to data on membrane potential (MP) levels and action potential (AP) parameters obtained by us.
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Original research

Morphologic correlates of the multimodal electromagnetic exposures efficiency (as exemplified by the experiment tumor growth)

The aim of the present paper is to study the morphofunctional changes in the tumor tissue and peripheral zone in experimental animals under the influence of extremely high-frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR). Combined effect of EHF EMR and ultra-low-frequency magnetic field (ULF MF) without the use of special anti-tumor agents is to be studied as well.
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Influence of postoperative magnetotherapy on homeostasis central regulation efficiency

The world scientific literature is rich in sources considering pathological changes in the central nervous system (CNS) in case of tumor growth. The topical issue is the study of mechanisms providing a stable performance of the brain as the highest section of nervous system which largely predetermine the oncology patients life quality.
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Original research

Pathogenetic peculiarities of sclerosing of blood vessels in hemangioma in minor aged children upon exposure by electromagnetic optical spectrum radiation

Our aim was to study pathogenetically significant markers of sclerosing of hemangiomas in infants upon their exposure to optical radiation in the infrared region of the spectrum by analyzing thermog-raphy and morphology examination results.
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Original research

The state of anti-oxidation system in rats under chemically induced cancerogenesis and influence by complexly modulated ultra-low frequency magnetic field (ULF MF)

At present, control of properties of biological membranes as targets of magnetic field applications within a living cell is the subject of considerable discussion in the scientific community. Experimental studies carried out by us demonstrate that ULF MF has an access to the most important mechanisms of tumor growth. The most likely mechanism among them is that responsible for the processes of free-radicals oxidation.
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Original research

Pathogenetic substantiation for anti-tumor effectiveness of experimental electromagnetic therapy

The objectives to be pursued by our studies are to assess some effects made by experimental actions of ultra-low frequencies electromagnetic field (ULF EMF) in combination with the SCENAR therapy on morphological changes in lung tissues and the regulation structures considering tumor growth dynamics.
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Original research

Neurophysiological status and adaptation responses upon application of electromagnetic fields in complex treatment of patients with malignant gliomas of the brain

The aim of our studies was to discover responses of the membrane systems in neurons and cardiomyocytes as well as mechanisms of influences and effects produced by the broadband-spectrum stochastic electromagnetic radiation (BBSS EMR) on them according to data on membrane potential (MP) levels and action potential (AP) parameters obtained by us.
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Short report

Bio-liquid morphological analysis

Our aim was to study pathogenetically significant markers of sclerosing of hemangiomas in infants upon their exposure to optical radiation in the infrared region of the spectrum by analyzing thermog-raphy and morphology examination results.
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