Dear readers

Our journal is 5 years old! Let’s make the first summary of our history! It took us a relatively short time to get recognition by the world scientific community: we present in CARDIOMETRY hot topics only. Most papers herein are devoted to a new science: cardiometry. Contemporary history does not offer any precedent for a situation when a new science based on laws, axioms and logical analysis, imported from natural sciences, is established. But the mission of our journal is beyond the scope of simple popularization of fresh concepts or innovations: feedback to the scientific community is of great importance to us, since the developers of cardiometry have not been able to predict responding to their revolutionary ideas. And now, five years later, we come to a better understanding what has been generally accepted by scientists and researchers.

It took us a relatively short time to win general recognition by the world scientific community. This should be attributed to hot topics we present in the CARDIOMETRY publications. Most papers herein are devoted to a new science: cardiometry. Contemporary history does not offer any precedent for a situation when a new science based on laws, axioms and logical analysis, imported from natural sciences, is established. But in our opinion, the mission of our journal is beyond the scope of simple popularization of fresh concepts and innovative advancements: feedback provided to the scientific community is of great importance to us, since the developers of cardiometry have not been able to predict potential responding to our revolutionary ideas in science. And now, five years later, we come to a better understanding what has been generally accepted by scientists and researchers.

First we arrive to a conclusion that the existing system of education of medical staff has not kept pace with current progress in science at all. While scientific information doubles every five years, medicine seems to be governed by a rigid set of obsolete rules and regulations having been applied for many, many centuries. Some skeptical scientists may say this evaluation of the current situation is too much critical, but it is an adequate assessment of the current status. So, conventional cardiology treats the heart and its performance isolated from the functioning of the human organism as a whole, not to mention the multitude of interrelations between the heart performance and hemodynamics! Why so? Looking more closely into hemodynamics, we can state: an essential feature of the heart design and functioning is to provide the proper hemodynamics. This concept is often overlooked by conventional cardiology, and if hemodynamics is present in some theories, then it is done in a quite contradictory manner.

Similar to other organs in the human body, the performance of the heart is based on metabolic processes. Cardiology is disregarding this fact at all. The law of naturally designed mechanism of the heart muscle fiber contraction, provided by the strictly maintained sequence of activity of the Na, Ca and K, ions is interpreted by the existing cardiological concepts in the most arbitrary way, allowing for occasional events of ion channel activity sequence alterations that absolutely contradicts to the basic principles of the natural heart operation. We can cite a lot of further examples to illustrate a very complicated situation both in theory and practice relating to conventional cardiology. Our journal intentionally avoids publishing of those papers which relay on “bare statistics” under ambiguous interpretations. Therefore, our responsibility is to release only such research articles, which are designed according to the fundamentals generally accepted by natural sciences.

As to the nearest future, we are going to address a wider range of topical issues covering the following: cardiometry in sports activity with due consideration of the healthy heart performance and doping problems in athletes; cardiometric rheology with its unique data obtained in current research; neurocardiometry as a foundation for phsycoanalysis, including pioneering concepts to explain complex interconnecting mechanisms responsible for the performance both of neurons and cardiomyocytes; pediatric cardiometry treating conditioning of children, that should not be ignored; other associated themes to discover some new mechanisms of the heart performance in a human.

We think it would be reasonable to prepare some on-line education courses that might be useful for our public concerned. It is not improbable that our Readers will find soon some other sections in our journal to attract more interested people therewith.

As to the present issue of the journal, let’s introduce the key point: the phenomenon of resonance in living systems. Some intimate natural mechanisms governing the life performance in complex bio-systems have been discovered and described in details in our topical article presented herein. Results obtained by the originators of the discovery hold the greatest promise for finding most advanced, original, high-efficacy treatment technologies. We should mention that this journal issue contains also brief information about the last International Nobel Congress and its resolutions according to the statements made by the Nobel dynasty representatives, who participated therein. And we write again about the problem of the existence of a smooth nonstationary vortex solution of the 3D NS equation included by Clay Mathematics Institute into the list of the seven fundamental Millennium Prize problems. Last issue of our journal offered the paper dedicated just to the solution of the said Millenium Problem proposed by Russian scientist S. Chefranov. In this connection, it should be particularly emphasized that the solution has been found by him in the course of his investigations of blood flow regime in the human body, which is known as the elevated fluidity mode and which is considered as the theoretical groundwork for cardiometry. And now let’s open our first article! Your reply and your comments will be very much appreciated by us!

We believe our readership is growing in synchronism with development of our journal, so that we can celebrate the birthday of our journal together: we wish health, private success and new achievements in science, business or education to everybody!

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