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Pathogenetic substantiation for anti-tumor effectiveness of experimental electromagnetic therapy

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The objectives to be pursued by our studies are to assess some effects made by experimental actions of ultra-low frequencies electromagnetic field (ULF EMF) in combination with the SCENAR therapy on morphological changes in lung tissues and the regulation structures considering tumor growth dynamics.

Materials and methods

We investigated sex hormone and prolactin concentrations in 156 male rates of outbred strains in the tumor growth dynamics in tissues of the lungs and the hypophysis, and we also studied morphological changes in the lung tissue. All animals were divided into two groups: the reference group, covering the rodents not affected by any exposures, and the experimental group of the rats, who were subjected to ULF EMF exposure in combination with the SCENAR therapy. Both therapeutic exposures were applied upon expiration of 1 week after tumor cell inoculation in a lung.


The applied combination of the experimental therapy, involving the central and local electromagnetic actions, has resulted in the reliably established prolongation of life spans in tumor-bearing animals as well as in the negative dynamics in tumor growing; it has produced effects both on the hormonal homeostasis subsystems: the hypophisis and the lung tissue affected by the cancer tumor. Histological examination of the prepared tissue samples taken from the regressing tumor in the lungs has demonstrated that there has been a certain amount of the tumor cells, which have been excluded from proliferation with taking an opportunity to differentiate.


The central action produced by ULF EMF is a trigger responsible for the neuro-hormonal regulation that promotes a temporal manifestation of an anti-tumor effect and that in combination with the SCENAR therapy provides for the compensatory-adaptational re-setting of the respiratory system and prolonged life maintenance in the animals.


Oleg I. Kit, Ekaterina F. Komarova, Alla I. Shikhlyarova, Elena P. Korobeinikova, Ludmila V. Vanzha, Viktoria V. Pozdnyakova, Andrey V. Dashkov, Elena M. Frantsiyants. Pathogenetic substantiation for anti-tumor effectiveness of experimental electromagnetic therapy. Cardiometry; Issue 11; November 2017; p.54–63; DOI: 10.12710/cardio­metry.2017.11.5463; Available from:


ULF EMF,  SCENAR,  Experimental tumor in lungs,   Antitumor effect,  Morphology,  Sex hormones,  Prolactin,  Hypophysis
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