No.3 November 2013

Creation of artificial heart: engineering and ethical issues

Dear readers

The topics of the current issue cover creation of artificial heart: both engineering and ethics. Primarily it should be noted that our idea is to consider these problems not in the context of the latest technological advancements accompanied by a further definition of problems of this sort, but basically by shaping a discussion what research should be performed for this purpose at next stages.

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Original research

ECG as a quest for extracting new data: non-invasive measurement of acid-alkaline parameters

A cardiac muscle performance assessment in terms of acid-alkaline balance has never been carried out before. The studies show it is possible to evaluate indirectly aerobic, anaerobic and phosphocreatine processes in the cardiac muscle using ECG only. The aim is to study the capabilities of acid-alkaline balance measurement in the cardiac muscle using ECG only, in combination with the heart cycle phase analysis.
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Original research

Identification of non-HLA antibodies in ventricular assist device recipients

Recipients of ventricular assist devices (VADR) have a higher incidence to develop antibodies (Abs) against human leukocyte antigens (HLA). Non-HLA antibodies like major histocompatibility complex class I-related chain A (MICA) and autoantibodies against angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R) and endothelin receptor A (ETAR) are also implicated in the pathogenesis of acute rejection and allograft vasculopathy. We monitored non-HLA- and HLA-Abs in VADR up to one year after implantation.
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Study of artificial aortic valve influence on hemodynamics by heart cycle phase analysis method

The results of study of an artificial aortic valve by the heart cycle phase analysis are given in the paper. The main aim of the study is identifying the artificial aortic valve influence on cardiovascular system functions, the way and ranges of these functions change. The results of phase blood volume measurement and the numerical values that characterize the metabolic processes in heart muscles are given herein.
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Webinar 2. Laws of Cardiometry

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Original research

Analysis of structure of intraventricular blood flow based on studies of architectonics of trabecular layer in left ventricle

To overcome numerous contradictions in the knowledge of the blood transportation, a hypothesis was supposed asserting the swirling pattern of blood flow in the heart and main vessels which resembles tornado-like flows and which is widespread in nature.
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Justification for measurement equation: a fundamental issue in theoretical metrology

A review and a critical analysis of the specialized literature on justification for the measurement equation and an estimation of a methodical error (uncertainty) of the measurement result are presented in the paper, and some prospects for solving of the issue are discussed herein.
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Microgravity: an ideal environment for cardiac force measuring

In the article main principles of ballistocardiography are considered. Special attention is paid to registration of the spatial ballistocardiogramm.
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Original research

Acupuncture phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening

The aim is to study the phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening using the acupuncture method and the reactions appearing during this process that lead to recovery of the body and of the cardiovascular system first of all.
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Original research

Heart and aortic baroreceptors: operation in providing hemodynamic processes in cardiovascular system

Up to the present, ECGs have been classified on the basis of the analysis of the ECG curve shape. But this made impossible to classify many ECG shapes. The most promising methods for the classification must evaluate each of the 10 cardiac cycle phases both by their functions and hemodynamic parameters. The aim hereof is to develop the new classification principles for all possible ECG shape variations.
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Hydro-mechanical foundation for blood swirling vortex flows formation in the cardio-vascular system and the problem of artificial heart creation

In the present paper, results witnessing possible important role of the very hydro-mechanical mechanism in the realization of the noted energetic efficiency of CVS due to formation in the CVS of spiral structural organization of the arterial blood flow observed by methods of MRT and color Doppler-measuring in the left ventricular of the heart and in aorta (A.Yu.Gorodkov,
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Use of mechanical circulatory support in acute circulatory collapse at immediate risk of death after endomyocardial biopsy

There are various indications for a mechanical circulatory support (MCS) devices implantation. We report a case of the use of the MCS in a 39 year old male with acute circulatory collapse and at immediate risk of death after endomyocardial biopsy in order to keep the patient alive until intrinsic cardiac function recovers sufficiently to remove the MCS.
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Webinar 1. Cardiology & Cardiometry Basics. Consistencies & Inconsistencies

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