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ECG as a quest for extracting new data: non-invasive measurement of acid-alkaline parameters

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A cardiac muscle performance assessment in terms of acid-alkaline balance has never been carried out before. The studies show it is possible to evaluate indirectly aerobic, anaerobic and phosphocreatine processes in the cardiac muscle using ECG only. The aim is to study the capabilities of acid-alkaline balance measurement in the cardiac muscle using ECG only, in combination with the heart cycle phase analysis.

Materials and methods

The ECG of the ascending aorta is recorded with Cardiocode device. Amplitudes of the derivatives of leading and trailing edge of R, L and j waves are measured. The QRS complex amplitude depends on the amplitudes of the septum and myocardium muscles contractions. The septum is contracted because of the lesser resistance since the myocardium muscles are not loaded yet. When the myocardium muscles are contracted, they take a heavier load since the septum remains under static strain. It allows evaluating the difference in the energy consumption for each group of the muscles according to the respective ECG derivative. It will suffice to compare the amplitudes of the first derivative characterizing the muscle contractility rate during Q–R and R–S periods.


Over 500 patients were examined. As a result, ranges of every biochemical reaction changes have been established. The ranges of energy consumption assessment for the biochemical processes featuring the biochemical reactions in cardiac muscles are defined.


The ECG heart cycle phase analysis allows obtaining the acid-alkaline balance data of biochemical reactions governing the cardiac muscle contraction that is an important diagnostic marker.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Vladimir A. Zernov, Konstantin K. Mamberger, Sergey M. Rudenko. ECG as a quest for extracting new data: non-invasive measurement of acid-alkaline parameters; Cardiometry; No.3; November 2013; p.45-57; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2013.3.4557 Available from:


Acid alkaline balance,  Biochemical processes,  Cardiac cycle,  ECG,  Myocardium
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