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Acupuncture phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening

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+7 (988) 189-54-59
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The aim is to study the phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening using the acupuncture method and the reactions appearing during this process that lead to recovery of the body and of the cardiovascular system first of all.

Materials and methods

The study is based on the classical acupuncture method using the unique technique of effecting the points by I-Ching.


The result is the body recovering the pathologic diseases the patient has been suffering for decades.


The new method for acupuncture is the Qi energy complete awakening based on structuring the Qi energy in the acupoints according to the figures of gua (trigrams and hexagrams) in the Chinese Canon of Changes and can be used for the treatment of almost any kind of the disease including cardiovascular. The given method allows not only balancing the Yin and Yang energy in the human body but also launching the generalized recovery program concentrated in the deepest layers of the human genetic memory. The given method allows treating many diseases considered to be incurable by the official medicine.

Additional materials

Scene 1, 2, 3, 4


Viktor N. Skakov. Acupuncture phenomenon of the Qi energy complete awakening; Cardiometry; No.3; November 2013; p.131-140 ; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2013.3.131140 Available from:


Acupoints,  Acupuncture,  Bu reenforcing method,  Chinese CANON of CHANGES,  Complementary and alternative medicine,  Gua Figures,  Qi energy,  Traditional Chinese medicine,  Xie reducing method,  Zhenjiu therapy
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