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Heart and aortic baroreceptors: operation in providing hemodynamic processes in cardiovascular system

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Up to the present, ECGs have been classified on the basis of the analysis of the ECG curve shape. But this made impossible to classify many ECG shapes. The most promising methods for the classification must evaluate each of the 10 cardiac cycle phases both by their functions and hemodynamic parameters. The aim hereof is to develop the new classification principles for all possible ECG shape variations.

Materials and methods

The heart cycle phase analysis method is used to calculate the hemodynamic parameters in each of 10 phases, like the phase-related blood volumes and the level of contraction of the corresponding cardiovascular musculature determining its function dynamics in the cardiac cycle phase structure related to the compensation mechanism for maintaining normal hemodynamics.


An ECG phase changes periodic table consisting of 10 groups of the actual ECG curves typical for the corresponding pathologies is proposed. Each group contains 4 levels of characteristic phase changes.


The ECG phase changes periodic table is the first attempt to classify the great variety of the ECG shapes. In this case the proposed system requires further investigations. It has been demonstrated that the theoretical concept of the table is in compliance with practice. Further it is planned to improve characteristics of every group and every level.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Vladimir A. Zernov, Konstantin K. Mamberger, Sergey M. Rudenko. Heart and aortic baroreceptors: operation in providing hemodynamic processes in cardiovascular system; Cardiometry; No.3; November 2013; p.31-44; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2013.3.3144 Available from:


Baroreceptors,  Cardiovascular system,  Cardiac cycle,  ECG,  Hemodynamics
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