Cardiocode Creators: Research & Development Team
Sattar Nema Wadi, Mohammad Akbarzadeh Pasha, Ali Abid Abojassim
In this study, five heavy metals (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, and Cd) concentrations were measured in samples of kerosene (locally only) that collected from different of warehouses oils in Iraq. The measurements have been done using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.
Heavy metalsKeroseneAASCancer riskIraqi markets
Adil Hakeem Mohamed, S. W.Kadium
In this study, copper oxide nanoparticles are produced using the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii in order to assess their biological activity.
Biosynthesis CuO NPsSaccharomyces boulardiiAntibiofilmAntimicrobialAntioxidant Activity
Mohamed Said Darwish, Mohammed Ahmed Hamouda, Hesham Mohamed Aboul-Enein, Mohamed Ahmed Metwally, Ahmed Emad Eldin Mohamed
To evaluate if switching therapy from an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) to sacubitril/valsartan induces incremental left ventricular (LV) reverse remodeling and the effect of switching on quality of life (QOL) in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).
Reverse Cardiac Remodeling ResponseSacubitril/valsartanHeart FailureReduced Ejection FractionQuality of Life
R. Ajitha Nancy Rani, V. Hemavathy
India's reputation as a country withstrong abstinence culture, particularly when it comes to alcohol, is underappreciated.In recent years, the country has experienced a tremendous development of metropolitan pubs and nightclubs, and it is quickly losing its inhibitions about drinking as a lifestyle choice.
AlcoholAlcohol abuseAlcohol use disorderCounsellingResilience
K. S .Vijayalakshmi , Sathiyalatha Sarthi
This study focuses on cardiac patients' knowledge of high blood pressure. Blood pressure (BP) beyond 140/90 mm Hg is considered to be hypertension. It is closely linked to unfavorable conditions like heart diseases, renal disease and vascular diseases.
KnowledgeBlood PressureCardiac DiseasePrimary Hypertension
P. Priyadarshini, Sathiyalatha Sarathi, V. Hemavathy
The most life-threatening illness that is the primary cause of female morality is Breast cancer. Breast cancer research has led to extraordinary breakthroughs in our understanding of the illness over the last two decades, leading in more effective medicines.
Breast CancerBreast Self ExaminationWarning SignsLifestyle ModificationMammography
Tejeshwari B. V., G. Bhuvaneswari, B.G. Parasuramalu, R. Vijayaraghavan
In India, Tuberculosis has been mentioned in the Vedas and the old Ayurvedic scriptures. Historically speaking, fight against Tuberculosis in India can be broadly classified into three periods: early period, before the discoveries of x-ray and chemotherapy; post-independence period, during which nationwide Tuberculosis control programs were initiated and implemented; and the current period, during which the ongoing WHO-assisted Tuberculosis control program is in place.
EffectivenessFoot reflexologyTuberculosis patientsPeripheral neuropathy
Dhanalakshmi J., Malathi S.
Chronic Renal Failure is a worldwide public health problem with an increasing incidence and prevalence, poor outcomes and high costs. The health teaching regarding hemodialysis and self care is important to improve the health and well being for patients with chronic renal failure.
Abhijit Chirputkar, Ramakrishnan Raman, K. Somasundaram, R. Meenakshi
Mental disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a person's behaviour and communication. In today's world, ASD is gaining energy faster than ever before, limiting social and cognitive capacities while exhibiting varying expressions from one person to the next.
Naïve BayesSupport Vector MachinesAutism Spectrum DisorderArtificial IntelligenceFeatures
Ramakrishnan Raman, Abhijit Chirputkar
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is several wearable sensor nodes with unstable sensing, storage, computation, and communication capabilities. Heart infection is an essential origin of death internationally, and early recognition is vital in avoiding the development of the infection.
Ensemble learningWireless body area networkInternet of thingsClassificationRegression treeForecasting heart risk
R. Meenakshi, Nishad Nawaz, Ramakrishnan Raman, Abhijit Chirputkar
As a result of the fast development of technology, healthcare systems have rapidly morphed into an all-pervasive environment that is replete with a variety of difficulties and possibilities. Threats and assaults with severe societal effects have been launched due to the increasing popularity of WBANs and their features and applications.
Malicious sensor detectionPublic key Cryptography Kerberos authentication Protocol WBAN
Beautily V., Rishikesh M.
The present study aim was to assess the effectiveness of breathing exercises using hoberman sphere on respiratory efficacy among post operative children aged between 6-12 years in Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai.
Breathing ExercisesHoberman SphereRespiratory EfficacyPost Operative Children (6-12 yrs)
Linda Xavier, Shalini T.
The present study aims to assess the physiological and biochemical effects of online gaming among children at Veepampattu.
Online gamingChildrenBio chemical
Parimala L., Kishore V.
The present study aims to compare and assess the blood sugar level among post COVID patients with diabetes patient and non diabetic clients in Saveetha Medical College and Hospital.
AssessHbA1c variabilityPost COVIDDiabetic and Non-Diabetic patients
Cecyli C, Soundariya S, Jagadeeswari J, Jency Jebapriya J, Priyadarsini A
Dyspepsia is a common gastrointestinal (GI) condition around the world. Dyspepsia is a symptom complex that includes a variety of upper GI symptoms such as epigastric pain or burning, early satiety, and post-prandial fullness.
EffectivenessGinger teaDyspepsiasymptomsAdults
Poongodi Ramalingam, S. Revathi, P. Vijayasamundeeswari
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by recurrent complete (apneas) and partial (hypopneas) upper airway obstructive.The Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of the leading risk factor for coronary heart diseases and heart failure.
Nishad Nawaz, R. Meenakshi, Ramakrishnan Raman, Abhijit Chirputkar
This paper provides a foundation to examine the dermoscopic images for skin cancer diagnosis. A dermoscopic image will often include textured areas that make up a major amount of the image. It is conceivable to organize and categorize such textures according to whether they are related with artifacts or if they reflect biological structure.
Skin cancerDermoscopic imagesTexturesImage analysisComputerized systems
Sayan Das, Madhavi Damle
The penetration of technology & media advances into football has improved referees' choices on contestable objectives.
VARFootballTechnologyGoal Line TechnologyRefereeGoalOffside
Ravi Sharma, Nisha Bharti, Sushant Malik
With the advent of globalization, concepts like medical tourism, wellness tourism, healthcare tourism, and medical migration have gained popularity.
Medical TravellerHealthcareThematic linkageCluster themesOpportunities
Mahesh Deshpande, Shashikala Gurpur
In order to restrict the imposition of the death penalty to an extremely narrow band of cases, the Supreme Court of India laid down the principle of 'rarest of rare' guiding but not fettering the sentencing discretion of judges.
Rarest of rareDiscretionDeath penaltySentencing guidelinesSentencing Commission
Roopa Miriam George, Devaki Gokhale
Slums are high-risk environments for children, which increase the likelihood of development of behavioral problems and poor nutritional status. A definite relationship between behavior and nutrition has been defined in children living in other settings, but evidence from slums is lacking.
Behavioural ProblemsNutritional StatusChildrenUrban Slums
Shahbaz Anwer, Pradnya Chitrao
New approaches and methods would redefine the global corporate and economies as the pandemic has struck the world.
Talent managementTalent retentionHealth and safetyFamilyEmployeeWork cultureWork environment
Smriti Shukla, Rinku Sanjeev
The uncontrolled spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced nations to shut their borders and impel the lockdown.
PandemicCOVID-19LockdownFeminine hygiene productsPurchase decision
Sonali Gupta, S Vijayakumar Bharathi
The pandemic COVID-19 has brought a significant shift in the working pattern in all the sectors, and it has brought up a trend of working from home.
COVID-19PandemicWork from HomeSchoolsTeachingLearningCurriculumOnline SessionsTeachersWork-Life Balance
Asish Kumar Behera, Krishnan Ramanathan
An automated model representing communicating states for a given moment in actual time is theorized in an Automated Supply Chain Dual (SC). When handling instability threats in SCs, we look at the circumstances surrounding the architecture and deployment of the digital twins.
Supply Chain RiskData AnalyticsSupply Chain resilienceCOVID-19Risk Management
Abhinav Arora, Divyesh Singh, Sanchari Debgupta, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Covid-19 on the intention to purchase online fashion clothing.
Covid-19Online purchase intentionhedonic and utilitarian MotivationsSituational factorsFashion Apparel
Apurva Chaudhry, Apoorva Kulkarni
The Home Appliance industry is going through an unpredictable situation due to corona virus.
Home ApplianceBrandCorona virusConsumer HabitsEntrepreneurs
Aniruddha Joshi, Madhura Ranade
Background: Biodiversity is one of the proud domains of any country in the world. Wildlife as a whole is one of the greatest contributors to the environment worldwide in the human race.
BiodiversityAuditAudit abilityAnimal ethicsReptilesSnakesWildlifeForest departmentPoachersThreats
Vishakha Lakhchoura, Suhas Ambekar, Manoj Hudnurkar
The objective of this paper is to determine the factors that will impact Brand Perception post-COVID-19.
COVID-19Brand PerceptionPerception ModelsStrategyhygiene products
Rachna Srivastava, Aarti Mehta Sharma
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about several changes in the regular life of consumers.
COVID-19LockdownOnline grocery shoppingConsumers satisfactionBusiness model
Loveleen, Samaya Pillai
Precision farming refers to the latest trends in agriculture that use technology to improve quality, quantity, and productivity, thereby ensuring profitability, sustainability, betterment, and preservation of the environment.
Vishnupriya Srinivasakumar, Kedar Bhagwat
Aviation has been a sector that has heavily contributed towards easing lives, addressing transportation needs, and paving the way for new job roles.
AviationEnvironmentCoronavirusFlight suspensionClimatic changeAircraft
Deepak S Khismatrao
Covid-19 is creating a flurry of fear and stigma across the globe. The individual fear is of discrimination at isolation centers, fears of dying alone with no funeral as per rituals.
Covid-19Health sectorPreventionGDPWHOPandemicIsolation centerLiteracy rate
Sameer Kapadwala, Shaji Joseph
In this ever-changing world full of emerging technologies and business ideas, the human touch is neglected, and the sense of emotion and feelings goes dull.
Emotional intelligenceEQJob performanceHuman psychologyEmployees
G. Pavithraa, Sivaprasad
Prediction of coronary sickness utilizing novel genetic algorithm and contrasting its accuracy with XG boost algorithm.
Heart DiseaseNovel Genetic AlgorithmXGBoostMachine LearningCoronary sicknessAccuracySamples
Kishore U, Ramadevi R
The goal of this research is to use parallel piped classifiers and bayesian classifiers to predict and detect kidney stones.
Kidney StoneImage ClassificationClassifierInnovative Parallel Piped ClassifierBayesian ClassifierMachine Learning
Kishore U, Ramadevi R
The goal of this research is to use Gaussian maximum Likelihood classifier and Minimum distance to mean Classifier to predict and detect kidney stones.
Kidney Stone Detection using Minimum distance to mean Classifier and Gaussian Maximum Likelihood ClassifierMachine learning
Sabarish Raja T, Ramadevi R
The aim of this study is to compare and analyze wiener filter algorithm for lung image enhancement over novel histogram equalization technique.
Image EnhancementFiltering TechniqueImage ProcessingWiener FilterPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)Novel Histogram Equalization Technique
Farheen Naz, Jenila Rani D, R. Rajakumari
The aim of this research work is for the presence of Innovative Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Detection, using modern algorithms, and comparing the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) between Watershed Algorithms and K-Means Clustering Algorithm.
Innovative Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy DetectionMachine LearningWatershed AlgorithmK-Means Clustering Algorithm MATLAB ProgrammingPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
Srinivasulureddy Ch, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar, V. S. Binu2
The major goal of this research is to improve the accuracy of the Decision Tree (DT) and Support vector machine (SVM) algorithms and compare their efficiency in detecting breast cancer tumors.
Innovative Breast Cancer PredictionMachine LearningDecision TreeSupport Vector MachineAccuracySensitivity
Garudadri Venkata Sree Charan, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The primary goal of this research is to increase the accuracy of COVID-19 prediction and its analysis.
Innovative COVID-19 predictionMachine learningDecision treeSupport vector machineAccuracy
Mahanya.G.B, Nithyaselvakumari S
Aim of this research is to analyze and compare ventricular Cardiac Arrhythmia (CA) classification using Sodium Channel (Na+) parameters with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifiers.
Ventricular Cardiac ArrhythmiaSodium IonSodium Channel Novel ANN and KNN ClassifiersAction PotentialBradycardiaTachycardia
Mahanya.G.B., S. Nithyaselvakumari
The intent of this research is to analyze and compare ventricular cardiac arrhythmia classification using sodium potassium pump (Na+/K+) channel parameters with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifiers.
Ventricular Cardiac ArrhythmiaSodium Potassium Pumpexchangers Novel ANN and KNN ClassifiersAction PotentialBradycardiaTachycardia
Venkata Sai Kumar Pokala, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
To achieve accuracy, sensitivity, and precision in AI (Artificial Intelligence) calculations for the prediction of diabetes among pregnant women, a Support Vector Machine and Random Forest algorithms were utilized.
Diabetes prediction Innovative Support Vector Machine AlgorithmRandom Forest AlgorithmArtificial IntelligenceAccuracy
Rajvardhan Gadde, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
To find the best algorithm for the prediction of innovative cardiovascular disease accurately, with fewer errors between Random Forest and Support Vector Machine classifiers.
Innovative Cardiovascular DiseaseMachine LearningRandom Forest AlgorithmSupport Vector Machine AlgorithmAccuracyPrecision
K. Durga Prasad, R.Ramadevi
The purpose of this study is to use median filters and wiener filters to minimize noise in liver images in order to improve them. In addition, the output of both filters was analyzed based on their Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR).
FilteringSmoothingMedian FilterWiener FilterImage ProcessingUltrasoundLiver cancer
D. Sravanthi, Jenila Rani.D
The goal of this study is to compare the accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of a Decision tree classifier and ANN classifier in detecting Innovative Hepatitis C Detection using modern methodologies.
Innovative Hepatitis C DetectionDecision Tree ClassifierArtificial Neural Network ClassifierMachine learningAccuracySensitivitySpecificity
M. Mohammed Zaheer, P. Nirmala
An effective approach to detect liver disorder using KNN algorithm in comparison with decision tree algorithm to measure accuracy.
K- nearest neighbor algorithmDecision Tree algorithmLiver disorderArtificial intelligenceInnovative liver disorder detection
Reshika Nelsiya N, Vickram A S
To evaluate the suitable Semen extender for a long duration of cryopreservation among Tris citric acid fructose egg yolk glycerol extender and Tris-egg yolk-glucose extender.
SemenCryopreservationNovel Semen ExtenderTris-citric acid-fructose egg yolk glycerol extenderTris-egg yolk-glucose extenderAssisted Reproductive Technology
Vadde Pavantheja, Dr. S. Manikandan
The production of innovative Pineapple vinegar necessitates the use of a low-cost raw material due to the commodity's low price.The present investigation represents the use of pineapple waste as a new substrate.
PineappleAcetobacterSaccharomyces cerevisiaeFermentationInnovative Pineapple Vinegar
S. Shruthi, K. Sangeetha
To compare the antibacterial activity of ethyl acetate fractions of Trichoderma viride against Drug-resistant bacteria.
Trichoderma virideInnovative Ethyl Acetate FractionsMICMRSASusceptible BacteriaAntibacterial ActivityDrug-Resistant
Suganthi.S.G., Bhuvaneswari, Kalabarathi S
Diabetes is a chronic condition in that Type II diabetes (Formerly called as Non-Insulin Dependent) is the most prevalent, generally affecting adults, diabetes frequently reduces HDL (good) cholesterol levels while raising triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Both of these factors raise the likelihood of heart disease and stroke.
EffectivenessCurry leaves powderBlood glucose levelLipid profile levelDiabetes mellitusPatients with Type II Diabetic mellitus with mild elevated in lipid profile level
Tamil Elakiya T, S. Kalabarathy
Formal education is the smooth pathway for learning, or gaining of knowledge, skills and values in a controlled atmosphere with the avowed goal of instructing students.
Online teaching methodUndergraduate students and satisfaction
Mageshbabu M, Mohana J, D. Gokulavani, Divya T
A biometric is in fact a pattern recognition system that uses biological traits like fingerprints, voice recognition, facial geometry, and hand geometry in addition to different patterns like iris and retina.
BiometricRecognition MethodsAccess ControlPrivacySafety
Dilshoda Turdiqulovna Akramova, Ra’no Baxodirovna Azizova, Satima Razzakovna Kuranbaeva, Bekzod Abdusattorovich Ibodov
Cerebrovascular disease, according to many studies, causes 1 to 15% of cases of Parkinsonism. "...200 out of every 100,000 people in the world have the disease...".
Parkinson's diseaseCerebrovascular diseasePreventionTreatment
Himanshu Soni, Jyoti Batra, Sivanesan Dhandayuthapani, Anjali Mishra, Juhi Aggarwal
Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) is one of the generic types of thyroid cancer and most prevalent form of malignancy among all cancers of the thyroid. It is also one of the few cancers with a rapidly increasing incidence.
Papillary thyroid cancerMolecular biomarkerRET/PTCRASBRAF
Shweta Kumari, Juhi Aggarwal, Urvashi Midha, Jyoti Batra, Nikkita Gupta
Carcinoma of the prostate is the most common malignant tumour in men over the age of 65 years with peak age of incidence between 70 and 74 years.
Prostate carcinomaOoxidative stressHomocysteineFolate
Amit B. Lall, Mayank Singhal, Sanjeev Tomar, Anupam Bhardwaj, Sonakshi Singh, Tanya Kusum
To evaluate the prevalence and pattern of upper impacted third molar with the help of orthopantomograms (OPG). A total of 276 preoperative orthopantomograms were screened from the year 2020 – 2022 of the patients who reported to the Santosh Dental College and Hospital.
Maxillary impacted third molarAngulationOrthopantomograms
Amit B. Lall, Priyanka Takhellambam, Tanya Kusum, Mayank Singhal, Sanjev Tomar, Anupam Bhardwaj, Jahanvi Mishra, Sonakshi Ranjeet Singh
The most commonly impacted teeth in the oral cavity next to the mandibular molars, are the maxillary canines. Generally, impacted canines are asymptomatic in nature, which make the patients less concern about them being impacted until it is associated with any pathology.
Anupama Singh, Neha Jetli, Kshitij Chaudhary, Pradhumn Katara
COVID-19 pandemic started in India on 30th January 2020. A nationwide lockdown was enforced from 24th March 2020 and general population was confined to their homes causing many psychological problems. Objective: To find the prevalence of anxiety during the pandemic and post pandemic of COVID-19 among adult population of Ghaziabad city.
Divya Singh, Aman Jain, Damini Jain, Vinita Goyel
To evaluate the effectiveness of various relaxation noises on anxiety levels of children aged between 4-8 years old by analysing through heart rate, FLACC scale and Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale.
Nonaversive techniquesAudioanalgesiaWhite noiseBrown noisePink noiseDistraction
Juhi Aggarwal, Jyoti Batra
The association between TB, oxidative stress and dietary supplements is multidirectional. The inflammation associated pathology in tuberculosis leads to the development of the free radical generation.
Pulmonary tuberculosisAnti oxidantsOxidative stressInflammation
Sarbojeet Chakroborty, Nidhi Gupta, Natasha Gambhir, Rashi Singh
One of the major concerns of the current era is Dental anxiety in Pediatric Dentistry. Kids are very well adapted to emojis or emoticons nowadays, and they represent better emotions or moods than a cartoon picture. As a result, this study was carried out to assess a recently created anxiety rating scale.
Jeet wheel scaleDental anxietyJWSAnxiety rating scaleNew anxiety rating scale
The stress control is essential in patients to elude the loss of motivation for Dental procedures .The present study was conducted to estimate salivary cortisol response to stress developed in patients undergoing Dental treatment
Anxiety Dental Treatment Salivary Cortisol Enzyme Immunoassay KitSalivary Cortisol Level
Utkarsh Gupta, Adarsh Kumar, Manjunath BC, Sunita Aggarwal, Abhishek Singh, Rajiv Ahluwalia
The aim of this study is to compare the oral hygiene status, caries experience, and prevalence of hemophiliac patients and non-Hemophilic controls.
HemophiliaDMFTCaries experienceOral Hygiene Index- SimplifiedWHO
Anchal Mishra, Ritu Jain, Ashutosh Rawat, Vikas Saini, Dakshina Bisht
Both patients and hospitals are harmed by hospital-acquired infection, sometimes known as "nosocomial infection.
CSSDnosocomial infectionIndicatorsSterilization
Shweta Chaudhary, Rishi K Bharti, Swati Yadav, Parul Upadhayay
The structure and functions of neuroendocrine pineal gland remains an enigma to both philosophers and scientists since time immemorial.
Sarath Sivaji, Prekshy Singh, Mahendran.C. S
To study the use of sputum and broncho alveolar lavage (BAL) for CBNAAT, as an adjunct in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, in sputum AFB smear negative patients.
Dr. Abhinav Mone, Tripta S. Bhagat, , Neelima Agrawal, , Sameer Naqash, , Shalabh Gupta
Malnutrition is a frequent concomitant of surgical illness. About 50-60% of patients admitted to General Surgery wards are malnourished on admission.
Prabhat, Anju Jain, Rahul Saxena, Jyoti Batra, Suyash Saxena
For both mothers and fetuses, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) causes major morbidity and mortality in the Indian population. In pregnancy, serum uric acid levels are higher. Elevated first-trimester uric acid levels can be used to predict GDM.
Gestational diabetesFirst trimesterHyperuricemiaUric acid
Ambreen Fatima, Jyoti Batra, Aarushi Batra, Ritvija Dixit, Rahul Saxena, Suyash Saxena, Ajit Pal Singh
The long-standing style of care known as cardiac rehabilitation (CR) may have been created to lessen the significant burden of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) on people all over the world. In Post COVID era, maintenance of cardiac health in COVID affected patients has been received much attention.
Cardiac rehabilitation Cardiac mortalityCOVID 19Myocardial infarction
Aman Singh, Debalina Biswas, Tabish Brar, Amit Beniwal, Vivek Pathak, Brijesh Saran, A. K. Seth
Sneezing is considered to be physiological defense mechanisms against nasal mucosal irritation due to allergy, infection, or local pathology, unusual triggers of sneezing include light, full stomach, sexual ideation, or orgasm.
Manish Kumar Sharma, Prachi Saxena, Pooja
To examine the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) in healthcare workers (HCWs) with positive chest X-ray (CXR) and computed tomography (CT) findings and to ascertain the function of imaging in the diagnosis of TB.
ThoraxX-RaysTomographyX Ray ComputedTuberculosisInterferon Gamma Release Tests
Manish Kumar Sharma, Prachi Saxena, Pradhumn Katara
ADA levels in PF of 290 individuals were tested to investigate pleural effusion. Based on a positive pleural biopsy, each patient was assessed for age, sex, and the presence of tuberculosis (TB). The Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance was used to analyze differences in ADA levels between groups.
Pleural effusionBiological markersPleura
Faiz Salih Abbas, Azhar S. Alaboodi, Ali Abid Abojassim
In this work, four kinds of solvents (Acetone, ethanol, methanol, and Water) were used for studying their effect of the spectral properties of the Eosin-y dye.
Eosin-y Laser dye Florescence
P. Prasanna Sai Teja, Veeramani T
The aim of this work is to evaluate the accuracy and precision in predicting heart disease using Decision Tree (DT) and Novel Random forest (RF) Classification algorithms.
Novel Random forest Decision tree Heart Disease Data Mining Pulse rate Heart Rate
K N S Shanmukha Raj, K Thinakaran
To perform Predicting heart disease using the Forest algorithm and comparing its feature extraction precision with the Linear Regression Algorithm for improving the accuracy of the prediction.
Algorithm Linear Regression Algorithm Predicting Heart Disease Machine Learning Supervised Classification Novel Dimensionality Reduction
Talluri Vishnuvardhan, A.Rama
Comparison of accuracy rate in prediction of cardiovascular disease using Novel Random Forest with Logistic Regression.
Prediction of cardiovascular disease Novel Random forest Novel Logistic Regression Smoking Endocytosis Hyperglycemia
T Poojitha, Mahaveerakannan R
The primary aim of this paper is to improve the exactness of the classification of coronary illness predictions using the help of machine learning algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence Novel Random Forest Support Vector Machine Coronary Disease Prediction Classification
Kvs meghana, Sivaprasad
The goal is to compare the anti-fungal characteristics of carbohydrates derivatives to commercial antibiotics, and docking will be used to see how the ligand, protein, and anti-fungal interact molecularly.
3HQR PDB SPSS Gluconolactone Benzimidazoles
Vankamaddi Sunil Kumar, K Vidhya
The objective of the work is to evaluate the performance of the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier in detecting heart plaque with high accuracy and comparing it with the Least Squares Support Vector Machine.
Heart Plaque disease Novel grayscale texture feature K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm Least Squares Support Vector Machine Prediction Machine learning
Kvs meghana, Sivaprasad
The goal is to compare the antibiofilm characteristics of carbohydrate derivatives to commercial antibiotics, and docking will be used to see how the ligand, protein, and antibiotic interact molecularly.
PubChem PDB Gluconolactone bap-c1 Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm
V.Nithya lakshmi, P. Nirmala
Acral melanoma detection using a fuzzy method vs. convolutional neural network CNN utilizing dermoscopic pictures.
Acral Melanoma Convolutional Neural Network Innovative detection Technique Machine Learning Fuzzy Algorithm
Lokesh D, Mamilla R Charan Raja
To study the comparative molecular interactions of Thymol and Imatinib with the active sites of Breakpoint Cluster Region (BCR)-Abelson (ABL) fusion protein using molecular docking analysis for the selective anti-Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) activity.
BCR-ABL protein Thymol Imatinib Novel Anti-CML agent Molecular docking Autodock Vina Software
Reddypriya G, Mamilla R Charan Raja
To study the comparative molecular interactions of Quercetin and 3'-fluoro-4'-(trifluoromethyl)biphenyl-4-sulfonamide (B4S) with the active sites of Kinesin-5 protein using molecular docking analysis for the selective anticancer activity.
Quercetin Kinensin-5 B4S Molecular Docking Novel Anti-cancer agent Autodock Vina Software
Anusha G, Monisha M
To determine the binding affinity (kcal/mol) for various antiviral peptides to target Influenza A virus PB2 protein using Hpepdock software and comparison with the Macrocyclic iHA-100 peptide (Reference peptide).
Antiviral peptides Influenza A virus Novel Peptide Molecular docking PB2 protein Hpepdock PEPstrMOD
C.B.M Karthi, A. Kalaivani
To improve the accuracy in Heart Disease Prediction using Novel Logistic Regression and Decision tree Materials and Methods: This study contains 2 groups i.e Novel Logistic Regression and Decision tree Each group consists of a sample size of 10 and the study parameters include alpha value 0.01, beta value 0.2, and the Gpower value 0.8. Results: The Novel Logistic Regression (91.60) achieved improved accuracy than the Decision Tree (89.42) in Heart Disease Prediction.
Novel Logistic Regression Decision Tree Heart disease prediction Accuracy Machine Learning
P. Sushmitha, I. Praveen kumar
The current study's goal is to determine the impact of triclosan (TCS) concentrations in the environment and from human exposure on zebrafish larvae heart rate.
Triclosan Zebrafish Innovative Heart Rate Analysis Exposure Relevant Dose Larvae Embryo
C.Nithish karthick, P.Nirmala
This study aims to propose smart edge detection techniques in x-ray images for improving PSNR using the Prewitt edge detection algorithm and comparing it with the laplacian algorithm.
Edge Detection Prewitt Gaussian Laplacian PSNR Image Processing Innovative Edge Detection method
Rohith J, Uma Priyadarsini P.S
Currently kidney disease is a major problem. Because there are so many people with this disease.
Chronic Kidney Disease Novel Decision Tree algorithm Logistic Regression Machine learning Classification Diabetes
Rohith J, Uma Priyadarsini P.S
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), also referred to as long-term nephrotic syndrome, has risen exponentially in importance. A person may only remain missing their kidneys for an estimate of 18 days, which creates a huge need for hemodialysis and kidney replacements.
Chronic Kidney Disease Novel Decision Tree algorithm Random Forest Machine learning Accuracy Prediction

Cardiocode Creators: Research & Development Team
Radzhab K. Davudov, Sofia A. Glukhova, Zarina G. Misikova, Victoria O. Vishnyakova, Ekaterina S. Dudchenko, Vladislav N. Yarkov
It is known that is an ambiguous phenomenon in medicine. There is no generally accepted definition of the concept, and approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the category in question are also different, since polypragmasia, being vital for certain diseases, can become extremely dangerous in certain conditions of the human body, as well as negatively affect the health of patients of certain age groups.
PolypragmasiaComorbidityConsequencesElderly and senile ageMedicationsProblematic aspects
Adil Hakeem Mohamed, S. W.Kadium
Objective: Saccharomyces boulardii, a probiotic, is used in the current study's manufacture of zinc oxide nanoparticles with the aim of assessing their biological activity.
Biosynthesis ZnO NPsSaccharomyces boulardiiAntibiofilmAntimicrobialAntioxidant Activity
Seda S. Rashidova
The relevance of the research work lies in the fact that a significant number of surgical patients are at risk of intra- or postoperative complications, or both, which is associated with prolonged stay in the hospital, costs and mortality.
Cardiovascular systemSurgeryPerioperative periodPatientsMyocardial injury
Ajithakumari G., V. Hemavathy
Schizophrenia is a severe type of mental illness that is both persistent and burdensome. Because they are under a lot of stress coping with caring for schizophrenia patients, family members of these patients often have a negative attitude and a wide spectrum of expressed emotion towards them.
Expressed emotionInteraction patternFamilyBehaviorSchizophrenia
Vijayalakshmi K.S., Sathiyalatha Sarthi
Increased Blood Pressure is one of the main causes for ischemic heart disease, and effective management of Hypertension as a key to preventing both primary and secondary Ischemic heart disease.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD)HypertensionHealth InformationKnowledgeBlood pressureSample
R. Ramani, V. Hemavathy
Effectiveness of Nursing Care on Patients with Osteoarthritis .Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that results in joint inflammation. It’s caused by the wear and tear of cartilage, the tissue protecting the ends of your bones and joints.
EffectivenessNursing carePatientsosteoarthritisStandered
S. Semmalar, V. Hemavathy
True experimental research study was conducted at Haemodialysis’ Unit at Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital among End stage Kidney disorder patients receiving haemodialysis to determine the efficiency of ROM exercise on selected Renal parameters by using purposive sampling technique 12 patients for control group and 12 from experimental were selected for the study based on inclusion criteria.
ROMCKDESRDSGOTSGPTHeamodilaysisRenal parameters
K. Somasundaram, Ramakrishnan Raman, R. Meenakshi, Abhijit Chirputkar
Malignancy is one of the dangerous sicknesses across numerous nations. In any case, malignant growth can be restored, whenever recognized at a beginning phase. Analysts are dealing with medical care for early identification and avoidance of malignant growth.
Disease Prediction SystemIoTMachine LearningSupervised LearningLung DiseaseGraph Theory
Ramakrishnan Raman, K. Somasundaram, R. Meenakshi, Abhijit Chirputkar
Depending on technology is a surprisingly easy task for a person since the course of parameter change can be calculated intuitively by the consistency of the solution. However, manual parameter modification in many situations is varied.
Medical ImageBoltzmann Classification MethodsTexture Recognition AlgorithmLung CT images
Ramakrishnan Raman
As a result of these promising results, researchers believe that gene expression tests are more important in creating more accurate and efficient diagnostic and classification tools for cancer.
Gene DataData MiningRNADNAClassificationGenetic Algorithm
Kripa Angelline A., Keerthana K.
Nutritional support is a fundamental component of holistic patient care in the intensive care unit (ICU) and therefore warrants diligent consideration. Critically ill patients are at a higher risk for developing malnutrition due to nature of their illness and their hyper-metabolic state.
Nutritional statusNIANSEnteral FeedingCritical Care Unit
Jagadeeswari J., Lokeswari S., Priyadarsini A., Cecyli C., Jency Jebapriya J.
Infertility is frequently a secret battle, and depressive symptoms are more common in infertility patients than in cancer patients. Around 60–80 million couples worldwide have infertility, which has a wide range of effects on many different dimensions.
DepressionStressPerceived Social SupportInfertility & Women
Mary Minolin T., Divya S.
Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most serious health problem that arise from poor sleep quality. Objectives of the study wereto assess the level of sleep quality and glycemic control among patients with diabetes mellitus.
Sleep qualityGlycemic controlDiabetes mellitus
Kala Barathi S., Sruthi Raj P., Padmapriya D.
The current study aims to estimate the levels of β HCG among antenatal mothers during second trimester to alert hypertensive disorders during pregnancy.
Antenatal MothersHypertensive DisordersSerum β-HCG levels
Tamilselvi S., Priyadharshini S.
Aim: the present study aims to assess the relationship between handgrip strength upper limb, anthropometric characteristic and hand disability in adult with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at SMCH.
Hand gripHand disabilityType 2 diabetes
D. Geetha, Anita David, Janet Maria, Praiselin Saro Blessy, Abinaya R., Shebna Mephaath
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in both sexes. In Spite of the vaccines which are highly immunogenic, safe, well tolerated and highly effective in preventing HPV infection the interest shown to receive the vaccine is least.
Ramakrishnan Raman, R. Meenakshi, Abhijit Chirputkar, K. Somasundaram
In the medical field, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) play the main role in keeping users healthy by offering convenient services for doctors and patients. However, the attacker is prevented from tampering with the sensor data by communicating through an unsecured channel, which prevents the forwarded packets from their hazardous origins.
Body Area NetworkOnetime passwordHash-based signatureTrustable nodesSimulation result
Brinda Sridhar, Ruchi Jaggi
Digitization and pop culture has come a long way. Making and taking experiences online has given new spectrums for fans to participate and integrate.
Consumer behaviorK-popFansIndiaContentOnlineMusic industryPop cultureCultural hybridity
Ramakrishna V Ungarala, Srujana Medithi
Thesecond most commonly consumed beverage in the worldis tea. Various forms of tea are destroyed and reported to show tremendous potential use in human health after consumption.
PesticidesTeaContaminationResiduesProcessing factorsIntegrative approach
Divya Yajurvedi, Damodar Hake
Most of the criminal justice systems worldwide adopt the reformative tools and techniques with the prime object to introduce reformation in convicts instead of using age-old coercive techniques.
Manasa Vulpee, Preeti Mulay, Abha Arya
Vaccines have been demonstrated to reduce the incidence of disease. With global and regional guidance, the World Health Organization provides information and assistance to immunization programs worldwide.
VaccinationImmunizationVaccination RemindersChildhood ImmunizationText MessagesSMSPhone Calls
M Ritika1, A Neha, K Dixita
Menstrual hygiene is a concept of deep concern as; unhygienic practices can lead to health problems like reproductive tract infections and their complications.
Menstrual hygieneReproductive age groupSanitary napkinsMenstrual educationWomen
Naveen Sandal, Andrea Lyngdoh, Philip Coelho, Sanjay Bhattacharya
A little more than 50 million Indians are reported to have the ill effects of depression, and another 38 million, reported anxiety. Despite this, it is crippling to see that India's emotional well-being is hardly examined.
Mental healthJob satisfactionStressDepressionEmployee Assistance
Reeya Chaurasia, Prakash Kalke
A newly emerged human Covid-19 virus from Wuhan, China caused by SARS-Cov2 having 96.1% similar genomic sequence as that of a bat has resulted in global pandemic and adversely affected the healthcare sector in terms of management, manpower, planning.
Covid-19TransmissionTableauData VisualizationForecasting
Sapna Gangawane, Mandaar Pande
Digital transformation is characterized by gathering individuals, data, and processes to generate value for online customers and stay competitive in the new consumer marketplace.
Digital TransformationRetailConsumersClientsUse Cases
Aakriti Singh, Rahul Dhaigude, Gagan Rajendra Mandavkar
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared coronavirus (COVID-19) as a global health emergency in January, which has impacted different sectors worldwide.
COVID-19Flexible learningVirtual learningEducationManagement studentsCoronavirus
Gaurav Yadav, Rahul Dhaigude
COVID-19 has created a misbalance in the global economy by affecting multiple sectors.
COVID-19InvestmentInvestment BehaviorIncomeLiquidity
Amaani Dewan, Smita Mehendale
COVID-19 crisis has changed the way we work. Work-from-home, which was a possibility in some sectors, has become a compulsion for all, which has affected the work-life balance of working professionals.
Work-Life BalanceWork-Life Balance PoliciesCOVID-19Workplace stressOrganization
Mohd Akram, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
Movie Theaters in India face a big crisis amid COVID-19, which leads to the shutdown of Theaters for more than five months. In the meantime, Online Streaming Services are expanding their business and revenue like never before.
Movie TheaterCovid 19Online Streaming ServicesCoronavirusNetflixOTTNew NormalOnline SurveyBox Office
Sanjeev Khanna, Aarti Mehta Sharma
In today’s highly competitive market when it comes to having a competitive advantage over others, providing superior service quality to the customers is the most important criteria for any industry.
Customer perceptionSERVPERFService qualityHotel industryDecision making
Raghav Mishra, Samaya Pillai
To find the impact of COVID-19 on the sports industry and how the industry will adapt to the changes.
CovidPandemicIPLAdministrative and businessGlobal economy
AkshayRevekar, Shivani Sharma
Ambala, a small settlement located near the town of Ramtek, is known for its landscape.
Ancient StructuresHistoric LandscapeIntangibleRitualsTangibleTypology
Abhishek Miya, Vishal Pradhan
Objective: Customer thinks many times before the purchase of service or product. Many people prefer different sources to identify its legality, such as YouTube, friends, and relatives influencing their purchase decision
YouTubeMillennialsChannelInfluencing factorsBuying behavior
Chandan Kumar Tiwari, Abhinav Pal, Tarun Khandelwal
In the long and medium term, the evolution of pandemics and the resulting harm to the global economy have been alarming. Pandemics have a variety of detrimental effects on the economy.
PandemicsBusinessCOVID-19Supply ChainLogisticsTravelTourism
G. Pavithraa, Sivaprasad
Prediction of coronary disease using novel support vector machine and comparing its accuracy with logistic regression algorithm.
Novel support vector machineMachine LearningLogistic RegressionCoronary diseaseAccuracyPredictionSamples
Kishore U., Ramadevi R.
The aim of this study is to figure out how to predict and detect kidney stones using Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier and Bayesian classifier and also to compare the results of classification accuracy between Gaussian maximum Likelihood classifier and Bayesian classifier.
Kidney StoneImage ClassificationClassifierInnovative Gaussian Maximum Likelihood ClassifierBayesian ClassifierMachine Learning
Sabarish Raja T, Ramadevi R
The main goal of this project is image enhancement to improve interpretability or perception of information in images for human viewers and also to provide better input for other automated image processing techniques.
Image EnhancementFiltering TechniqueMedian FilterPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)Novel Histogram Equalization TechniqueImage Processing
Sabarish Raja T, Ramadevi R
The aim of this study is to compare and analyze linear contrast enhancement algorithm for lung image enhancement over novel histogram equalization technique.
Image EnhancementFiltering TechniqueLinear Contrast EnhancementPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)Novel Histogram Equalization TechniqueImage Processing
Farheen Naz, Jenila Rani D
The aim of this research work is for the Innovative Diabetic Glaucoma Detection using modern algorithms and comparing the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) between K-means Algorithm and Thresholding Algorithm.
Innovative Diabetic Glaucoma DetectionMachine LearningK-Means AlgorithmThresholding AlgorithmMATLAB ProgrammingPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
Srinivasulureddy Ch,, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The main objective of this study is to compare the efficiency of the k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support vector machine (SVM) algorithms in detecting breast cancer tumors and to examine their improved accuracy, sensitivity, and precision.
Innovative Breast cancer predictionMachine learning algorithmsk-Nearest NeighborSupport vector machineAccuracySensitivity
Garudadri Venkata Sree Charan, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The major goal of this research is to increase the accuracy of innovation prediction and examine the COVID-19.
Innovative COVID-19 predictionMachine learningDecision treeLogistic regressionAccuracy
Mahanya G.B., Nithyaselvakumari S
Aim of this research is to analyze and compare ventricular cardiac arrhythmia classification using calcium channel parameters with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and K- Nearest Neighbour(KNN) classifier.
Ventricular Cardiac ArrhythmiaCalcium IonCalcium ChannelNovel ANN and KNN ClassifiersAction Potential
Venkata Sai Kumar Pokala, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The study’s aim is to analyze and compare the accuracy, sensitivity, and precision of diabetic prediction among pregnant women using the innovative Principal Component Analysis algorithm and Support Vector Analysis.
Diabetes predictionInnovative Principal Component Analysis algorithmSupport Vector Machine algorithmArtificial IntelligenceAccuracy
Rajvardhan Gadde, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
To find the best algorithm for the prediction of Novel Cardiovascular Disease Detection accurately, with fewer errors between Novel Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machine classifiers.
Cardiovascular Disease Detectionmachine learningNaive Bayes algorithmSupport Vector Machine algorithmAccuracyPrecision
K.Durga Prasad, R.Ramadevi
The goal of this research is to reduce noise present in the liver images in order to enhance it using linear contrast and median filters. And also to analyze output of both the filters based on its Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR).
Image ProcessingImage EnhancementFiltering TechniquesLiver ImagesLinear Contrast FilterMedian Filter
K. Durga Prasad, R.Ramadevi
The major purpose of this project is to improve picture enhancement for human viewers in order to improve interpretability or perception of information in images, as well as to give better input for other automated image processing approaches.
FilteringSmoothingMask FilterWiener FilterImage enhancementBiomedical imagingWavelet transformPeak signal to noise ratioSpeckle noise
M. Mohammed Zaheer, P. Nirmala
This work provides an effective approach to detect liver disorder using customised SVM algorithm in comparison with random forest algorithm to measure accuracy.
Liver disorderCustomised SVMRandom forest algorithmMachine learningInnovative liver disorder detectionAccuracy
M. Mohammed Zaheer, P. Nirmala
To process an effective approach to detect liver disorder using Naive Bayes algorithm in comparison with Decision tree algorithm to measure accuracy.
Naive bayesDecision treeInnovative liver disorder detectionLiver disorderMachine learningArtificial intelligence
Vadde Pavantheja, S. Manikandan
In developing nations there is a huge loss in post-harvest process and making vinegar from extra fruit, which may be used to preserve some foods and snacks, is a useful technique for reducing these losses.
Grape FruitAcetobacter Saccharomyces cerevisiaeFermenterInnovative grape vinegar
Vadde Pavantheja, Dr. S. Manikandan
The purpose of this research is to develop a new apple vinegar based on Podophyllum peltatum and analyze the fermentation process using a new methodology.
AppleAcetobacterSaccharomyces cerevisiaeFermentationInnovative Apple Vinegar
J. Jegan Amarnath, S. Meera
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a behavioural condition that affects the child’s social interaction, communication, and behaviour. The early identification of ASD is critical for the effective and timely therapies.
Autism spectrum disorderComputer aided diagnosisMachine learningImage based diagnosisPrediction system
M.Balamurugan, S. Meera
The healthcare sector is generally "information rich". It is required to mine all the information for finding hidden patterns and making wise diagnostic decisions.
Data miningHeart failureAdaboostJ48 Decision TreeBagging and Accuracy
Coronary artery disease is the buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to your heart. Plaque causes a narrowing or blockage that could result in a heart attack. Symptoms include chest pain or discomfort and shortness of breath.
V. Surya Narayana Reddy, Jithendranath Mungara
A vital element of widespread patient monitoring is consistency in transmission between the patients and the healthcare professionals not including time and position dependencies.
Glowworm Swarm OptimizationClusteringCluster head selectionArtificial neural networksMobile ad hoc network
Geeta Gupta, Ankita Gupta
Healthcare workers (HCWs) stand at the forefront for treating the patients of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). This puts them at higher risk of acquiring the infection than any other individuals in the community.
Juhi Aggarwal, Uma Kant Chaudhari, Jyoti Batra, Sandeep Kumar Sharma
The prolonged increase of blood glucose give rise to complications of diabetes- premature atherosclerosis (including cardiovascular diseases and stroke), retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy.
Diabetes mellitusDiabetic nephropathyMicroalbuminuriaApolipoprotein
Sushmita Thakur, Gajendra K. Gupta, Priyanka Verma, Deepika Agrawal, Anupama Singh, Ravi Kant Arya
Obesity and overweight has become a public health concern. Excess weight in the body is linked to various conditions like Hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, and stroke which contributes to morbidity and mortality.
Amit B. Lall, Mayank Singhal, Jahanvi Mishra, Priyanka Takhellambam, Anupam Bhardwaj, Sanjeev Tomar, Tanya Kusum
Lower third molars are the most common impacted teeth encountered in clinical practice. There are various pathologies associated with the impacted tooth such as root resorption, distal caries of the adjacent tooth, cyst formation, periapical radiolucency and osteitis.
ImpactionLower third molarDistal caries
Anupam Bhardwaj, Manoj Chaudhary, Amit B. Lall, Mayank Singhal, Sanjeev Tomar, Bharti Dua
Pseudoaneurysm of the lingual artery is very rarely seen, and it can arise due to various reasons such as trauma, inflammation or even neoplasm. Idiopathic pseudoaneurysm along with being very rare can also be life threatening if they are not diagnosed or treated on time. Our case report describes the idiopathic pseudo aneurysm of sublingual artery which was treated by surgical excision.
Amit Kumar Singh, Dakshina Bisht, Desh Nidhi Singh, Jitendra Kumar Chaudhary
Oral candidiasis is the most common opportunistic infection of the oral cancer patients. Identification of Candida isolates and its susceptibility to antifungal agents will be helpful in the therapeutic management.
OropharyngealCandidiasisGenomic mini AX YEAST isolation kitDNAPCR
Divya Singh, Aman Jain, Damini Jain, Shivani Mathur
Dental Treatment for an anxious child has always been a challenge to the pediatric dentist. Nitrous oxide has been documented as a safe and effective pharmacological mean of behaviour management which results in anxiolytic and analgesic effects along with slight amnesic effect.
Anxious childNitrous oxideAmnesiaTitration
Aiman Abbas Jafri, Juhi Aggarwal, Jyoti Batra
To study the antidiabetic effect of Withania Somnifera root powder (WSR) in Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.
AntidiabeticDiabetesStreptozotocinWithania Somnifera
Shraddha Kukreja, Varun Goyal, Sridhar Kannan, Gurkeerat Singh, Nishant Gupta, Raj Kumar Singh
To evaluate the durability and stability of Coaxial & 3D (Three-dimensional) -printed bonded lingual mandibular retainer wire (3-3) at the middle third position with the application of forces. The objective is to evaluate the displacement of teeth, stiffness, and stresses on the wire.
RetentionBonded lingual retainerCoaxial wire3D-printed wireDurabilityStability
Kirti Singh, Sumit Singh Phukela, Puja Malhotra
The current study sought to assess the fracture strength of thin monolithic zirconia crowns of varying thickness and finish line configuration.
Monolithic Zirconia CrownsFracture StrengthVarying ThicknessFinish LineMinimal Tooth Preparation
Mrigank Shekhar Jha, Rajiv Ahluwalia, Tina Chugh
Transcranial electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is being used to relieve pain in various specialties for ages but till date, no concurrent evidence is achieved on the efficacy of this method to relieve pain, still it is used as a non-pharmacological method of pain relief.
Lalendra Yadav, Shaktibala Dutta, Jyotsna Sharma, Ila Pahwa, Vaishali Lotte, Amit Kumar
Hypertension is one of the essential health problems Worldwide. According to JNC I to VIII guidelines treatment of hypertension with various type of antihypertensive drugs either mono therapy or combination therapy is updated time to time.
Ankita Gupta, Geeta Gupta, Nahid Ansari, Lalita Agarwal
Coronaviruses has been spreading across the planet for more than two years now. Emerging new competent variants makes the surge never ending. With over thirty crore cases as on first week of January 2022 this virus has caused serious havoc to humanity.
COVID VariantMutationStrainsPreventive protocols
Ashi Verma, Aarthi KB, Prem K Garg, Swati Singh, Mayurika S Tyagi, Abhishek Pathre, Rajiv K Gupta
Ganglion cysts are benign soft tissue formations arising from the joint capsule or tendon sheath containing mucinous fluid
Ganglion cystKnee jointFNACCystic lesion
Ajit Pal Singh, Jyoti Batra, Rahul Saxena, Suyash Saxena, Chandan Kumar
The department of transfusion medicine, also known as blood bank, is one of the most important parts of a healthcare facility.
Chandan Kumar, Jyoti Batra, Rahul Saxena, Suyash Saxena, Ajit Pal Singh
To analyze the electrical activity of Flexor digitorum superficialis and extensor digitorum communis for cylindrical grip sizes of 30 mm and 40 mm in stroke patients.
MCA affected stroke subjectscylindrical gripEMG activityFlexor digitorum superficialisExtensor digitorum communis
Aarthi KB, Ashi Verma, Prem K Garg, Swati Singh, Mayurika S Tyagi, Abhishek Pathre, Rajiv K Gupta
A 19-year-old female came with complaints of multiple lumps in her right breast of different sizes, which she had noticed one month back
Granulomatous mastitisFine Needle aspiration CytologyBreastGranuloma
Sakshi Sharma, Ram Mehar, Shubhkarman Singh Saini, Nitish Verma, Vivek Pathak, Brijesh Saran, A. K. Seth
Delusional parasitosis is an infrequent psychotic illness characterized by an unshaken belief of having been infested by a parasite when one is not.
Prachi Saxena, Manish Kumar Sharma, Pooja
Hepcidin prevents ferroportin-mediated iron efflux, which results in intracellular macrophage iron retention and may encourage Mycobacterium tuberculosis nutrient absorption and TB pathogenesis.
Gulothungan G., Vickram A. S.
Cardiac arrhythmias is one of the cardiovascular diseases that cause more death in today's industrial world. Among the generation of arrhythmias in cardiac myocytes, Early Afterdepolarization (EAD) and Delayed Afterdepolarization (DAD) is most significant one.
Cardiac arrhythmiasSodium -Calcium ExchangerEarly AfterdepolarizationDelayed AfterdepolarizationL-type Ca2+ channelRyanodine ReceptorCalcium Induced Calcium Release
P. Prasanna Sai Teja, Veeramani T
The Aim of the research study is to see how accurate Novel Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification algorithms were in predicting heart disease.
Machine Learning Novel Random Forest Support Vector Machine Classification Heart Disease Prediction Data Mining
P. Prasanna Sai Teja, Veeramani T
The aim of the work is to evaluate the accuracy and precision in predicting heart disease using Support Vector Machine (SVM) , Random forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT) Classification algorithms.
Logistic RegressionDecision Tree Random Forest Support Vector Machine Heart Disease Prediction Data Mining
K N S Shanmukha Raj, K Thinakaran
Predicting heart disease using the Decision Tree and comparing its feature extraction precision with the Logistic Regression algorithm for improving the accuracy of the prediction.
Decision Tree Logistic Regression Principal Component Analysis Machine Learning Supervised Classification Novel Dimensionality Reduction
Talluri Vishnuvardhan, A.Rama
Comparison of accuracy rate in prediction of cardiovascular disease using Naive Bayes with Logistic Regression.
Novel naive bayes Novel logistic regression Machine learning Healthcare Blood Coronary Vasculitis
T Poojitha, Mahaveerakannan R
Coronary illness is one of the main sources of mortality in this current world. A basic test in the field of clinical information assessment is the expectation of cardiovascular infection.
Machine Learning Novel Random Forest K Nearest Neighbor Coronary Disease Prediction Classification
Kvs meghana, Sivaprasad
The study is about to compare the antiviral properties of gluconolactone derivatives to those of commercial antiviral drugs, using docking to see how the ligand, protein, and antiviral drugs interact molecularly.
PDB SPSS Gluconolactone Phosphonoformate Ribavirin
Vankamaddi Sunil Kumar, K Vidhya
The main aim of this research is to detect heart plaque using the Naive Bayes algorithm with improved accuracy and comparing it with Least Squares Support Vector Machine.
Heart Plaque disease Novel intensity feature Naive Bayes algorithm Least Squares Support Vector Machine Prediction Machine learning
S Yeshwanth Sai, Sivaprasad
The study is about to compare the antibiofilm properties of Novel Fluorescein derivatives to those of commercial antibiotics, using docking to see how the ligand, protein, and antibiotic interact molecularly.
Cephalexin Cephalexin monohydrate Novel Fluorescein PDB Biofilm Protein-B domain Autodock
Mohammed Hathif Sayed M, Chandra Kishore S
In this research work the simulation of electrical resistivity of copper nanowire by using a Novel Composite Filament Simulation Tool, and comparing the resistivity by its Volume and Alignment range.
Nanowire Copper nanowire Volume Alignment range Electrical properties Electrical resistivity Novel Composite Filament Simulation Tool
Lokesh D, Mamilla R Charan Raja
To study the comparative molecular interactions of Thymol and 3'-fluoro-4'-(trifluoromethyl)biphenyl-4-sulfonamide (B4S) with the active sites of Kinesin-5 protein using molecular docking analysis for the selective anti-cancer activity.
Thymol B4S Kinesin-5 Molecular docking Novel Anti-cancer agent Autodock Vina Software
S Yeshwanth Sai, Sivaprasad
The study is about to compare the antibacterial properties of Novel Fluorescein derivatives to those of commercial antibiotics, using docking to see how the ligand, protein, and antibiotic interact molecularly.
Clindamycin Dicloxacillin Novel Fluorescein Clumping factor A Staphylococcus aureus PDB Autodock
Anusha G, Monisha M
To determine the binding affinity (Kcal/mol) for various antiviral peptides to target AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) gp41 protein.
Novel Antiviral peptides AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome) Molecular Docking Gp41 protein Hpepdock PEPstrMOD
C.B.M.Karthi, A. Kalaivani
To improve the accuracy in Heart Disease Prediction using Novel Logistic Regression and K-NN Algorithm.
Logistic Regression Novel K-Nearest Neighbor Heart disease Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision
C.Nithish karthick, P.Nirmala
The aim of this study is to propose smart edge detection techniques in x-ray images for improving PSNR using canny edge detection algorithm and compared with laplacian algorithm.
Edge detection Canny Edge Detection laplacian Algorithm PSNR Image processing Innovative edge detection
Shubham Jha, Ramesh B, Danie Macrin
This study's objective is to determine how polypropylene fibre impacts self-healing concrete's flexural strength.
Flexural Strength Reinforced Polypropylene fiber M20 Grade Self-healing Concrete Bacillus subtilis Superplasticizer Tec-Mix 550 Novel technique Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation
Rohith J, Uma Priyadarsini P.S
Individuals at high-hazard of cardiovascular sickness are no doubt defenseless against ongoing kidney diseases, and historical clinical records can assist with turning away complicated kidney issues.
Chronic Kidney Disease Novel Decision Tree Naive Bayes Machine learning Classification Diabetes
G. Pradeep, Ramesh B
The objective of this study is to quantify the influence of plastic fiber on the tensile strength of self-compacting concrete using a novel microbial technique Microbial induced calcite precipitation.
Tensile strength plastic fiber self-compacting bacterial concrete M20 grade concretesuperplasticizer(Tecmix 550) Mineral Precipitation Novel MICP technique
Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Irina А. Berseneva, Evgeniy Y. Bersenev, Marat P. Deberdeev, Artem O. Chepiga
The article discusses the features of the diagnosis of coronary blood flow using the cardiometric method. Diagnosis of coronary blood flow is of great importance in cardiology.
CardiometryCoronaryBlood flowLactateStress indexAdaptation reaction
Sergey M. Grishin, Stanislav V. Odintsov
The relevance of this research work lies in the fact that at present the EU policy standards are aimed at creating an ecosystem of digital (electronic) healthcare (eHealth). Digital medicine resources can radically transform healthcare, providing effective medical care, and improving diagnostics/treatment/rehabilitation methods.
eHealthArtificial IntelligenceTelemedicineElectronic Health Record
Mahmoud Shawky Abdelmoneum, Ahmed Mahmoud Sabry , Antoine Saad Anis, Heba Abdel Kader Mansour
This study evaluated the role of two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (2D-STE) in evaluation of the LV systolic function in patients had CTO of LAD at 1 day as well as at 3 months after revascularization
Chronic Total Occlusions Percutaneous Coronary InterventionSpeckle tracking echocardiographyLeft Ventricular ejection fraction
M.Kh. Kattakhodjaeva , E.E.Karshieva , Z.D.Amonova
The urgency of the problem. The prevalence of background diseases of the cervix (CC) today has the character of an epidemic.
Innovative technologiesTreatment of cervical neoplasia intraepithelialis
C. Jegatha, V. Hemavathy
Elevated level of blood glucose hyper glycemia leads to spillage of glucose in t urine, hence that terms sweet urine. Minority populations are disproportionately affected by diabetes.
N. Nirmala, V. Hemavathy
Alcoholism affects both adults and children, and it is a major medical issue. A high predominance of ailment, insufficiencies, and fatalities has been associated to alcoholism.
AlcoholismImpairmentsEarly detection and primary prevention
Saradhadevi S., V. Hemavathy
Anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and have lifetime prevalence rates of 22.8%, 1.7 percent, and 7.9%, respectively and are linked to a lower quality of life.
AnxietyRelaxationDeep breathingMediataionObsessions
K. R. Vasantha Kohila, V. Hemavathy
Hypertension is when blood pressure is too high. Blood pressure is written as two numbers. The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats.
HypertensionHealth educationAttitudeRisk factorsEffectiveness
R. Meenakshi, Ramakrishnan Raman, Abhijit Chirputkar, K. Somasundaram
The practicality of distinct vehicular communication tissue classifiers is based on lighting training records that replicate a place or purchase circumstance. The use of transfer learning technologies to address sampling mistakes caused by sparse annotations during supervised learning on automated tumour segmentation is recommended.
Sampling ErrorsMulti-modal classification methodssparse AlgorithmBrain CT images
Nishad Nawaz, R.Meenakshi, Ramakrishnan Raman, Abhijit Chirputkar
A wireless body area network (WBAN) collects several tiny sensor nodes in the human body. They are intended to observe data constantly forward and perform as critical structures for remote healthcare monitoring and healing.
Quality of ServiceBody Area networkslink strengthEnergyFuzzy logic system
J.Sofia Bobby, Bharath S., Madhankumar C., Sudharsanam K., Ummathullah U., P.B. Edwin Prabhakar
Normally atmospheric air contains mixture of gases like nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and small amount of lot of other gases like carbon-di-oxide (0.03%), hydrogen. Oxygen concentrator is a device that concentrate (or) separate oxygen from ambient air by specifically removing nitrogen by process of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA).
Atmospheric airMixture of gases Oxygen concentratorSeparating oxygen Pressure Swing AdsorptionZeolite
Anbarasi E., Kalabarathi S., Padma Priya D.
Inadequacy of breast milk after delivery can be caused by the ineffective breast milk production and ejection. One way that can be done is oxytocin massage to promote breast milk secretion.
Breast Milk Lactation Oxytocin MassagePostpartum Mothers
Padmapriya D., Jonah Abraham R., Logambal K.
The present study aims to assess the uric acid levels in first trimester to predict the gestational diabetic mellitus.
Gestational diabetes mellitusOral glucose tolerance testSerum uric acid
Mounika M., Kalabarathi S., Padmapriya D.
Postpartum period is the time that starts right after birth and extends for about six weeks. Breast engorgement is a problem for many lactating women that must be addressed in the client care.
Breast engorgementReverse pressure softening techniquePostpartum Mothers
Priyadarsini A., Roshna P. Sabu, Jagadeeswari J., Cecyli C., Jency Jebapriya J.
Faces pain scale and colour analogue pain scale are two methods to assess the pain of the children. There many method to assess the pain of the children but mostly all the hospital is using faces pain scale to assess the pain of the children.
Colour analogue pain scaleFaces pain scalePain assessment
Padmapriya D., Venugopal S., Logambal K.
As the prevalence of diabetes is high in the current scenario, globally it is very much essential to control diabetes as a nurse working in the medical profession. Apple cider vinegar has been proven to have beneficial effect in reducing hyperglycemia.
Apple cider vinegarDiabetic clientsHyperglycemia
P. Saranya, Aruna Subramaniam, Poongodi Ramalingam
To assess the knowledge on anaemia among antenatal women. To determine the adherence to iron folate supplementation among antenatal women. To identify the relationship between knowledge on anaemia and adherence to iron folate supplementation and to determine the association between knowledge and adherence with the selected background variables of antenatal women.
Lalitha R., K. Maheshwari
Alcoholism Physiological problems (hand tremors and blackouts), Psychological problems, (an obsessive desire to drink), Behavioral problems that affect work or social life.
StressCoping strategiesSpousesAlcoholic patientsDe-addiction center
Ruchi Jaggi, Ajit Duara
The current research study aims to address the representation of gender in animated content on children's TV in India through the lens of political economy by understanding the perspectives of media experts.
GenderCartoonMedia professionalsTVIndian children
Rawat Nilima Narayan, Smita Mehendale
Customer satisfaction has a crucial role in forming consumers' subsequent purchase behavior and intentions.
ConvenienceProvisional storesKiranaCustomer SatisfactionCOVID-19
Rhea Monga, Devaki Gokhale
Menstrual irregularities are very common in young females nowadays. Menstrual irregularities can include an array of conditions like amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.
Menstrual irregularitiesMenstrual disordersFactorsHormones homeostasis
Sanjida Quader, Sarfaraz Ahmed Khan
Organ trafficking, due to its subtle nature, is a less-addressed form of trafficking, among others. It has been decades that the first-ever successful organ transplantation took place.
Organ traffickingOrgan tradeTransplant tourismIllegal TransplantTHOA
Bhumi Thakkar, Vijayakumar Bharathi S
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has numerous potential applications in the healthcare sector. These applications vary from its use in quicker disease diagnosis to its assistance for efficiently dealing with pandemic situations.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Technology adoptionUTAUT2TAM2HealthcareDoctorsMedical SpecialistsPLS-SEM
Sayantan Das, Sanjay Bhattacharya
Today's organizations give rise to a blended workforce, which consists of a healthy mixture of permanent and gig employees.
Organizational Citizenship BehaviorPsychological ContractGig employmentBlended WorkforceMulti-Industry
Praveen Tewari, Sneha Mehendale
As the digital medium increasingly becomes an irreplaceable part of life for people, trolling is on the rise too.
InstagramMisogynyOnline HarassmentTrollingSocial Media
Asmita Jain, , Mandaar Pande
Digitalization has helped in the transformation of several industries in the last 20 years.
DigitalizationRetail sectorCOVID-19Use-casesPhysical interactionModern Technology
Aindreesha Barman, Apoorva Kulkarni
During a pandemic, the most affected aspects are the business economy and other sectors and areas globally.
COVID-19IT businessSample companiesRandom functionStock marketFinancial records
Shruti Pal, Naval Lawande
Post COVID-19, there is increased psychological stress and depression over the whole world population.
Job stress scaleCOVID-19Mental Health ProblemsInsecurityCorporate Company
Vikrant Patil, Suhas Ambekar, Manoj Hudnurkar
COVID-19 pandemic is far more than just the health crisis. After the Great Depression, the dot-com bubble, and the 2008 financial crash, we are staring at the biggest challenge for the economy. No industry has been spared from the brunt of this pandemic.
IntrapreneurshipCOVID-19 and its impactEntrepreneurial spiritcorporate entrepreneurshipEconomic developmentEntrepreneurship
Tripty Shokeen, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
The county of origin research has studied the influence of a product's origination on a buyer's impression.
Country of Origin (COO)Consumer attitudePurchase intensionPurchase decisionConceptual interfac
Anirban Chatterjee, Samaya Pillai
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has created a profound impact on every sector of our life. The most significant effect of this global pandemic is “global lockdown."The lockdown has brought many changes in our lifestyle.
COVID-19Global PandemicNetwork ConnectivityWork from HomeOTTImpactRiseOnline UsageQuantitative Analysis
Shweta Lende, Samaya Pillai
The world witnessed the biggest pandemic in almost 100 years, the impact of which is felt in all walks of life. It will be early days to predict too many things. But it is essential to foresee the economic impact of COVID-19.
Economic TurmoilQuantitative KnowledgeAgricultural SectorFarmer SurveyAgricultural Wages
Mehjubin Mazumdar, Jaya Chitranshi
Work-life balance is highly desirable and involves maintaining equilibrium between professional and personal work. With the onset of a novel coronavirus pandemic, the workforce has seen unprecedented changes.
COVID-19Work-life balanceIT sectorWork from HomePandemic
Wundavalli Agasthya Rushi , Vishal Pradhan
The paper attempts to understand and analyze the factors that influence different types of end consumer's behavior while shopping for groceries both online and offline, considering the Covid-19 pandemic situations.
Pandemic grocery shoppingPandemic factorsE‑commerceFMCGDecision‑Making processConsumer BehaviorCovid-19
G. Pavithraa, Sivaprasad
Prediction of coronary illness utilizing novel Novel k nearest neighbor (KNN) and contrasting its accuracy with decision tree algorithm.
Novel k nearest neighborDecision TreeMachine LearningHeart Disease Coronary IllnessSamplesAccuracy
G. Pavithraa, Sivaprasad
Prediction of heart disease using Novel Random Forest and comparing its accuracy with Naive Bayes algorithm.
Heart disease predictionNovel Random Forest Naive Bayes AlgorithmAccuracyEnormous DataStatistical significanceSamples
Kishore U, Ramadevi R
The goal of this research is to use minimum distance to mean classifier and bayesian classifiers to predict and detect kidney stones.
Kidney stoneImage ClassificationClassifiersMinimum Distance to Mean ClassifierInnovative Bayesian Classifier
Sabarish Raja T, Ramadevi R
The goal of study in this image enhancement technique is to enhance both contrast and sharpness of an image simultaneously to improve PSNR.
Image EnhancementFiltering TechniqueImage ProcessingUnsharp Mask FilterPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)Novel Histogram Equalization Technique
Farheen Naz, Jenila Rani D, R. Rajakumari
The aim of this research work is for the presence of Novel Diabetic Maculopathy Detection using modern algorithms, and comparing the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) between the C-Means clustering Algorithms and Watershed Algorithm.
Novel Diabetic Maculopathy DetectionMachine learningC-Means Clustering AlgorithmWatershed Algorithm MATLAB ProgrammingPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)
Srinivasulureddy Ch, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar, V. S. Binu
This research aims to determine the presence of breast cancer using Machine learning techniques and improving the accuracy of breast cancer prediction.
Innovative Breast Cancer PredictionMachine LearningNaive BayesSupport vector machineAccuracySensitivity
Srinivasulureddy Ch, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The objective of this study is to use machine learning algorithms to detect the presence of breast cancer tumors and compare accuracy, sensitivity, and precision between the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Support vector machine algorithm (SVM).
Innovative Breast Cancer PredictionMachine Learning AlgorithmsLinear Discriminant AnalysisSupport Vector MachineAccuracySensitivity
Garudadri Venkata Sree Charan, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
The primary purpose of this study is to improve the accuracy of COVID-19 prediction and evaluation.
Innovative COVID-19 predictionMachine learningNeural NetworkSupport vector machineAccuracy
Mahanya G.B., Nithyaselvakumari S
The Motive of this research is to analyze, compare ventricular Cardiac Arrhythmia (CA) classification using potassium channel (k+) parameters with Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) classifiers.
Ventricular Cardiac ArrhythmiaPotassium IonPotassium ChannelNovel ANN and KNN ClassifiersAction PotentialBradycardiaTachycardia
Venkata Sai Kumar Pokala, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
In comparison to the K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN)algorithm, Logistic Regression(LR) was used in machine learning algorithms for the prediction of diabetes among pregnant women to get better accuracy, PEARCEsensitivity, and precision.
Diabetes prediction Innovative K-Nearest Neighbor algorithmLogistic Regression algorithmArtificial IntelligentAccuracy
Rajvardhan Gadde, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar
Aim is to find the best algorithm for the prediction of Innovative cardiovascular disease accurately, with fewer errors between Neural Network and Support Vector Machine classifiers.
Innovative Cardiovascular DiseaseMachine LearningNeural Network algorithmSupport Vector Machine AlgorithmAccuracyPrecision
Sabarish Raja T, Ramadevi R
The main goal of this project is image enhancement to improve interpretability or perception of information in images for human viewers and also to provide better input for other automated image processing techniques.
Image EnhancementFiltering TechniqueMedian FilterPeak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)Novel Histogram Equalization TechniqueImage Processing
D. Sravanthi, Jenila Rani D
The purpose of this study is comparing the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier and Decision Tree classifier in detecting the presence of Novel Hepatitis C Detection using contemporary methods.
Novel Hepatitis C DetectionK-Nearest Neighbor ClassifierDecision TreeMachine learningAccuracySensitivitySpecificity
M. Mohammed Zaheer, P. Nirmala
The ultimate aim of this work is to show the better mean accuracy of CNN algorithm in comparison with random forest algorithm on detection of liver disorder.
CNN algorithmRandom forest AlgorithmLiver disorderArtificial intelligenceDeep learningInnovative Liver disorder detection
Reshika Nelsiya N, Vickram A S
To analyze the most effective Novel semen extender for long time cryopreservation among Tris egg yolk extender and Soya milk extender.
SemenCryopreservationNovel semen extenderTris egg yolk extenderSoya milk extenderAssisted Reproductive Technology
Vadde Pavantheja, S. Manikandan
Vinegar producers are still on a mission to find acetic acid bacteria fermentation that produces extremely strong vinegar.
AcetobacterSaccharomyces cerevisiaeWineFermentationInnovative Grape Vinegar
S. Shruthi, K. Sangeetha
To compare the antibacterial activity of innovative ethanolic fractions of Trichoderma viride against Drug-resistant bacteria.
Trichoderma virideInnovative Ethanolic FractionsMICMRSASusceptible bacteriaAntibacterial ActivityDrug-resistant
P.B.Edwin Prabhakar, Sivasubramanian, N. Kalyana Sundaram, S.Subburam, N. Sundara Rajulu
Computer Aided Detection (CAD) and diagnostic technologies and their application have emerged in the last decade.
Lung cancerComputer aided diagnosisComputed tomography imagesMedical image analysis
K.Sai Madhuri, Jithendranath Mungara
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a multi-hop wireless network that contains multiple sensor nodes agreed in a self-organized mode. The significant advancement in the healthcare, the security of the medical data became huge disputes for healthcare services.
Adaptive Reinforcement learningDijkstra’s algorithmBinary hop countIntrusion Detection SystemHop securityWireless sensor network
Cecyli C, Soundariya S, Jagadeeswari J, Jency Jebapriya J, Priyadarsini A
Dyspepsia is a common gastrointestinal (GI) condition around the world. Dyspepsia is a symptom complex that includes a variety of upper GI symptoms such as epigastric pain or burning, early satiety, and post-prandial fullness.
EffectivenessGinger teaDyspepsiasymptomsAdults
Jasur Alimdjanovich Rizaev, Olga Bekjanova Yesenevna, Maira Taitoleuovna Kopbayeva, Visola Raimovna Kayumova, Elyor Alimdjanovich Rizaev, Bakhyt Aimyrzaevna Omarova
In patients in the post-COVID period, there is a decrease in the functional activity of the salivary glands. In general, in patients who underwent COVID-19, basal secretion was reduced by 19.51% (P≤0,05); secretion stimulated by chewing - by 31.67% (P≤0.01) and secretion stimulated by acid - by 29.60% (P≤0.01).
COVID-19хerostomiasalivary glandszinc
Nisha Kureshi, Juhi Aggarwal, Jyoti Batra
Hypothyroidism may occur as a result of primary gland failure or insufficient thyroid gland stimulation by the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. Hypothyroidism may be associated with pernicious anemia as part of the autoimmune polyglandular endocrinopathy.
HypothyroidismVitamin B12Nitric oxideThyroid hormones
Juhi Aggarwal, Suruchi Mathur, Jyoti Batra
The pathogenesis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19 disease is ever unravelling. Researchers are continuously generating evidence regarding the mechanism of the infection and its complications.
Vitamin DVitamin CVitamin B 12 COVID-19
Gulshant Panesar, V.K. Garg
Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) is a rare malformation characterized by localized congenital absence of the skin.
Amit B. Lall, Anupam Bhardwaj, Anupam Bhardwaj, Tanya Kusum, Priyanka T.
Oral epithelium migrates into the defect when an oroantral communication lasts more than three weeks, at which point it is referred to as an oroantral fistula. Oroantral fistula (OAF) can arise for a variety of reasons, including the extraction of maxillary posterior teeth, treatments for sinus augmentation, the improper use of implant drills, trauma to the craniofacial region, osteoradionecrosis, and flap necrosis.
Oroantral fistulaBuccal flap
Anupam Bhardwaj, Jahanvi Mishra, Amit B. Lall, Mayank Singhal, Sanjeev Tomar, Priyanka Takhellambam
Odontogenic infections have tormented mankind since the dawn of civilization. With the advancement of modern medicine and newer potent antibiotics, one is able to combat this potentially fatal disease. This case report aims to emphasize the importance of timely intervention, role of comorbidities and possible complications of space infection.
Space infectionAbscessSwellingIncision and drainage
Amit Jaiswal, Deepika Agrawal
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the major cause of morbidity and mortality in our society with Dyslipidemia contributing significantly to atherosclerosis. To find proportion and distribution of Dyslipidemia among the apparently healthy young adult visiting the preventive OPD of a tertiary care Hospital.
Cardiovascular diseaseAtherosclerosisDyslipidemiaDistribution and proportion
Rahul Kumar, Ravi Kant Arya, Amit Jaiswal, Gajendra K. Gupta, Deepika Agrawal
Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) contribute to major disease associated mortality and morbidity among children under 5 years of age.
ChildrenAcute respiratory tract illness (ARI)Risk factorsInfections
Pooja Das, Mahendran.C.S., Prachi Saxena, Manish Kumar Sharma
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis is a complex organism in which lungs are the main portal of infection. Tuberculosis affecting organs other than lungs called as extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberculous lymphadenitis is the most common form of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis contributing to 35 percent of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis cases.
MTBEPTBCBNAATAFB CultureRifampicin Resistance
Navneet Kaur, Vineeta Nikhil, Parvinder Kaur Bindra, Tina Chugh, Neeti Mittal, Naval Kumar Verma
Whey protein beverages' viscosity, lactose content, and acidic pH could all pose risks to the oral cavity's current composite restorations.
Whey proteins ACompositesSurface roughnessErosions
Ridhi Aggarwal, Rajiv Ahluwalia, Deepa Verma, Parvinder Kaur, Tina Chugh
Patients with different malocclusions may show the different activities of masticatory muscle.
MalocclusionMuscle activitySEmgElectromyography
Ritu Jain, Vikas Saini, Ashutosh Rawat, Dakshina Bisht
Patients with coronavirus illness experienced a cytokine storm as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in 2019. (COVID-19).
Shubhangi Srivastava, Monika Agarwal, Shipra Saxena, Sonam Kushwaha
Nearly 98% of total deaths in neonatal period occur in developing countries all over the world and are mainly caused by infection, asphyxia, LBW and prematuriy
Sick Newborn Care UnitsNeonatesReferral
Amit Kumar, Jyotsna Sharma, Shaktibala Dutta, Anil Kumar Sharma, Lalendra Yadav
Study was conducted to evaluation effect of Atenolol plus Amlodipine on blood glucose level and lipid profile in essential hypertensive patients.
K.B.Aarthi, Ashi Verma, Mayurika S Tyagi, Swati Singh, Rajeev K Gupta
Becker’s nevus is a rare non-cancerous hamartoma characterized by hyperpigmentation and hypertrichiosis with ill-defined borders.
Beckers nevusHamartomaHypertrichiosis
Ajit Pal Singh, Jyoti Batra, Sharafat Shafi Khan, Rahul Saxena, Suyash Saxena
Wilson's illness is an autosomal dominant impairment of copper metabolism that results from the lack of or dysfunction of a copper-transporting P-type ATPase, which is expressed on chromosome 13.
Rahul Kumar Singh, Raj K Kovid, Sachidanand Jee Bharati, Jyoti Batra, Deepak Saini, Akansha Singh, Suyash Saxena, Rahul Saxena, Ajit Pal Singh
Cancer of the oral cavity is described as the uncontrolled proliferation of cells that can be observed in the Oral cavity. The sore in the mouth could resemble a growth or an open sore, but it won't go away.
DiagnosisDelayOral cavityMouth cancerEarly detectionIndia
Eshutosh chandra, Mahendran C. S, Akshita Gupta
Catamenial pneumothorax, an extremely rare condition, is defined as the accumulation of air in the pleural cavity occurring in conjunction with menstrual periods and during ovulation. It accounts in only 3- 6 %. This is primarily caused by endometriosis of pleura. It is seen in 30- 40 years aged women.
Tabish Brar , Amit Beniwal , Aman Singh, Debalina Biswas, Vivek Pathak, Brijesh Saran, A. K. Seth
Post-sepsis syndrome is an evolving pathological entity that has gathered marked interest amongst clinicians and researchers over the last two decades.
Mahendran C S, Manish Kumar Sharma, Pradhumn Katara
Evidence of significant, measurable, and preventable loads of mortality risk even after anti-tuberculosis therapy and cure would be a convincing, tangible, and meaningful indicator of the efficacy of prevention.
MortalityPremature deathRegression
Faeq A. AL-Temimei, Suhad H. Mohsen, Hawraa H. Abbas, Ali Abid Abojassim
In this work, a computational investigation was used to design and study new materials based on carminic acid isomers as organic dyes for DSSCs.
DFT Carminic acid Dye-sensitized Electronic structure Optical
P. Prasanna Sai Teja, Veeramani T
The main goal of the research is see how accurately predicting heart disease by Logistic Regression (LR) and Novel Random Forest(RF) Classifications.
Novel Random Forest Logistic Regression Data Mining Blood pressure Pulse rate Heart Disease Classification
K N S Shanmukha Raj, K Thinakaran
To perform Predicting heart disease using the Forest algorithm and comparing its feature extraction precision with the K-nearest neighbors algorithm for working on the precision of the forecast.
Forest Algorithm K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Predicting Heart Disease Machine Learning Supervised Classification Novel Dimensionality Reduction
K N S Shanmukha Raj, K Thinakaran
To predict the heart disease using Forest Algorithm and comparing it with Decision Tree algorithm for improving the accuracy in predicting heart disease.
Machine Learning Forest Algorithm Prediction of Heart Disease Supervised Classification Novel Principal Component Analysis Decision Tree
T Poojitha, Mahaveerakannan R
Heart attacks are usually caused due to blockages, partially or completely, of the heart’s veins or arteries that constrict the flow of blood from or to the heart.
Coronary Disease Novel Random Forest Algorithm Logistic Regression Machine Learning Classification Prediction
T Poojitha, Mahaveerakannan R
The cardiac is a vital organ in the human body. Life is entirely dependent on the functional workings of the heart. Cardiovascular disease refers to diseases of the cardiac and the blood vessels that supply it.
Prediction Novel Random Forest Naive Bayes Machine Learning Coronary Disease Classification
Vankamaddi Sunil Kumar, K Vidhya
The main aim of this research is to detect heart plaque using the Decision Tree algorithm with improved accuracy and comparing it with Least Squares Support Vector Machine.
Heart Plaque Novel statistical feature Decision Tree Least Squares Support Vector Machine Prediction Machine learning
Vankamaddi Sunil Kumar, K Vidhya
The major goal of this study is to compare the effectiveness of the Logistic Regression classifier with the Least Squares Support Vector Machine classifier in detecting plaque in the heart with high accuracy.
Heart Plaque Novel texture feature Logistic Regression algorithm Least Squares Support Vector Machine Prediction Machine learning
Mohammed Hathif Sayed M, Chandra Kishore S
The aim of this research work is to determine and compare the electrical resistivity of silver and copper nanowire by using the Novel Composite Filament Simulation Tool.
Nanowire Silver nanowire Copper nanowire Electrical resistivity Electrical properties Novel Composite Filament Simulation Tool Nanotechnology
V.Nithya Lakshmi, P. Nirmala
Identification of acral melanoma using genetic algorithm compared with convolutional neural network CNN using dermoscopic images.
Acral Melanoma Convolutional Neural Network CNN Genetic Algorithm Innovative Technique Machine Learning Skin Cancer
Reddypriya G, Mamilla R Charan Raja
To study the comparative molecular interactions of Quercetin and Imatinib with the active sites of Breakpoint Cluster Region (BCR)-Abelson (ABL) fusion protein using molecular docking analysis for the selective anti-Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) activity.
Quercetin Imatinib BCR-ABL fusion protein Novel Anti-CML agent Molecular docking Autodock Vina Software
S Yeshwanth Sai, Sivaprasad
The study is about to compare the antibiofilm properties of Novel Fluorescein derivatives to those of commercial antibiotics, using docking to see how the ligand, protein, and antibiotic interact molecularly.
Cephalexin Cephalexin monohydrate Novel Fluorescein PDB Biofilm Protein-B domain Autodock
C.B.M Karthi, A. Kalaivani
To improve the accuracy in Heart Disease Prediction using Novel Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine.
Novel Logistic Regression Support Vector Machine Heart disease prediction Accuracy Machine Learning
C.B.M Karthi, A. Kalaivani
To improve the accuracy in Heart Disease Prediction using Logistic Regression and Random Forest.
Logistic Regression Novel Random Forest Heart disease prediction Accuracy Machine Learning
C.Nithish karthick, P.Nirmala
The aim of this study is to propose smart edge detection techniques in x-ray images for improving PSNR using the sobel edge detection algorithm and comparing it with the laplacian algorithm.
Edge detection Sobel Edge Detection Laplacian Algorithm PSNR Image processing Innovative edge detection technique
Shubham Jha
The goal of this research is to determine the effect of glass fibre on the flexural strength of M20 grade self-healing concrete utilising a unique approach called microbial induced calcite precipitation.
Flexural Strength Glass Fiber Reinforced M20 Grade Self-healing Concrete Novel Technique Microbial Induced Calcite Precipitation Super plasticizer Tex mix 550
Rohith J, Uma Priyadarsini P.S
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is among the main 20 reasons for death worldwide and influences around 10% of the world grown-up populace.
Chronic Kidney Disease Novel Decision Tree Linear Regression Machine Learning Classification Diabetes
C.Nithish karthick, P.Nirmala
This study aims to propose smart edge detection techniques in x-ray images for improving PSNR using the Robert edge detection algorithm and compared it with the laplacian algorithm.
Edge detection Robert Edge Detection laplacian Algorithm PSNR Image processing Innovative edge detection