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Analysis and Comparison for Innovative Prediction Technique of COVID-19 using Support Vector Machine over Neural Network algorithm with Improved Accuracy


Aim: The primary purpose of this study is to improve the accuracy of COVID-19 prediction and evaluation. Materials and Methods: This project is based on data extracted from Kaggle's website, which is separated into two categories. According to the total sample size estimated by, each group comprises 20 samples (N=20) for both the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Network methods, by keeping 0.05 alpha error-threshold, 95% confidence interval, enrolment ratio at 0:1, and G power at 80%. In MatLab 2021a, this entails training the data and verifying 20 validations ranging from 5 to 24. Results: The SPSS Software and Independent sample T-test are used to contrast the accuracy, sensitivity, and precision rates. The Neural Network has 94.55 percent accuracy (P<0.001), 93.11 percent sensitivity (P<0.001), and 95.31 percent precision (P<0.001), compared to 91.25 percent accuracy (P<0.001), 93.93 percent sensitivity (P<0.001), and 86.11 percent precision (P<0.001) for the SVM. Conclusion: The Neural Network algorithm outperforms the SVM approach in terms of results.


Garudadri Venkata Sree Charan, Neelam Sanjeev Kumar. Analysis and Comparison for Innovative Prediction Technique of COVID-19 using Support Vector Machine over Neural Network algorithm with Improved Accuracy. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.904-910; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.904910; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Innovative COVID-19 prediction,  Machine learning,  Neural Network,  Support vector machine,  Accuracy
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