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Comparative analysis of antiviral properties of carbohydrates derivatives over commercial antiviral drugs


Aim: The study is about to compare the antiviral properties of gluconolactone derivatives to those of commercial antiviral drugs, using docking to see how the ligand, protein, and antiviral drugs interact molecularly. Materials And Methods:The 3 Dimensional structures of protein and ligands were procured from the PubChem, Drug bank, and PDB databases. The sample size was calculated using G power with pretest power at 80% and alpha value of 0.05. The sample size per group is 10 and total sample size is 30. Docking studies of protein and ligands were performed using Auto dock software. Statistics of the interactions were analyzed using IBM SPSS software. Result: Molecular interactions revealed that Ribavirin shows more affinity towards the protein compared to gluconolactone and Phosphonoformate. The binding affinity values were compared using SPSS software, it reveals that the statistical insignificance observed between the gluconolactone and Phosphonoformate is 0.263 and for gluconolactone and Ribavirin is 0.565 Conclusion: The antiviral Ribavirin appears to be more specific and selectively works against the target protein when compared to the antivirus Phosphonoformate.


Kvs meghana, Sivaprasad. Comparative Analysis of Antiviral Properties of Carbohydrates Derivatives over Commercial Antiviral Drugs. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.1577-1583; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.15771583; Available from:

Ключевые слова

PDB,   SPSS,   Gluconolactone,   Phosphonoformate,   Ribavirin
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