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Diagnosis of coronary blood flow: advantages of using the cardiometric method


The article discusses the features of the diagnosis of coronary blood flow using the cardiometric method. Diagnosis of coronary blood flow is of great importance in cardiology. The causes of incomplete filling of the coronary arteries with blood are considered, criteria for rechecking the correctness of the diagnosis of the functioning of the coronary blood flow, including amount of lactate, stress index and type of adaptation reaction, are identified. A possible therapy for the early stage of reducing the blood filling of the coronary arteries is given.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Irina А. Berseneva. Diagnosis of coronary blood flow: advantages of using the cardiometric method. Cardiometry; Issue 25; December 2022; p.5-10; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.25.510; Available from:

Ключевые слова

Cardiometry,  Coronary,  Blood flow,  Lactate,  Stress index,  Adaptation reaction
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