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Simple association of the genetic code with hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching)

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Article 'Simple association of the genetic code and hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching)' is based on the provisions of previous paper 'The genetic code as a structure of the Five elements in Chinese philosophy' where the hypothesis regarding the principles of formation of digrams and trigrams in Chinese philosophy are proposed. It allowed to suggest an idea of digrams and trigrams as a tool for description of DNA codons in the process of their interaction, each with others as an independent oscillator (objects, generating its own natural frequency). On the basis of this hypothesis it is considered the logic of structure of trigrams from the Book of Changes (I Ching), the properties of Start and Stop codons, and the properties of their position in the general order of the King Wen. It is suggested that hexagrams order of King Wen describes dynamics of pulse process in the human body as a process of interaction of amino acids which are programmed by codons on the base of frequency (wavelength) peculiarities. In addition, a comparative study of the properties between peptide products (manufactured on the base of research of Institute of Gerontology and Bioregulation – St. Petersburg) and the scheme of daily activity of codons are represented.


Sergey P. Fedotov. Simple association of the genetic code with hexagrams of the Book of Changes (I Ching). Cardiometry; Issue 9; November 2016; p. 32-43; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2016.9.3243 Available from:


DNA,  Nucleotide,  Trigram,  I Ching,  Fu Xi order,  Pulse
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