Heart transplantation mysteriously eliminates arrhythmia
For a long time cardiologists have not been able to explain why the problem of cardiac arrhythmia in a heart transplant recipient practically disappears. In fact, this issue has never been raised for discussion. At the same time, my new theory of arrhythmias (NTA) has been discussed at conferences and in mass media for the last 4 years. The core proposition of NTA is as follows: the generation of extrasystoles and tachycardia in most cases occurs not due to bioelectric reentry, but owing to the action of mechanical pulse waves. A pathological pulse wave can travel to large veins along the walls of the arteriovenous anastomoses (AVA) and excite cardiomyocytes.
The developer of NTA has studied some peculiarities of the cardiac rhythm patterns which occur after heart transplantation and presents herein convincing evidence in favor of his new theory.
Vladimir I. Ermoshkin. Heart transplantation mysteriously eliminates arrhythmia. Cardiometry; Issue 8; May 2016; p.18–21; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2016.8.1821 Available from: http://www.cardiometry.net/issues/no8-may-2016/heart-transplantation