No.8 May 2016

New theory of arrhythmia.
Cardiometric model of adaptational change in blood flow through arteriovenous anastomoses

Dear readers

The present issue of the journal is devoted to the problems of arrhythmias in cardiology. We have the pleasure of bringing to your notice a new theory of arrhythmia. The conventional approaches to the explanation of arrhythmia causes are widely known.

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Cardiometric signs of performance of arteriovenous anastomosis in human cardiovascular system

The detected phenomena of shunting of blood from large arterial trunks into large venous vessels is considered herein. The Cardiocode device is capable of detailed visual interpreting of a change or a significant reduction of a rheographic wave of the ascending aorta.
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Theory of arrhythmia based on mechano-electric feedback between cardiac myocytes and cardiac fibroblasts

When analyzing the articles submitted to our current issue, we involved into the preparation processing some relevant papers deserving special attention.
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New theory of arrhythmia. Conceptual substantiation of arrhythmia mechanisms

The article aims at describing the theoretical principles of cardiometry as a fundamentally new scientific field which enables the accurate measurement of the cardiovascular system parameters.
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Mechanisms of high heart rate variability: a fresh look

Consideration is being given herein to some mechanisms of high heart rate variability (high HRV), which cannot be attributed to sports exercise loading. The mechanism responsible for high HRV is explained as that resulted from the continuous performance (opening and closure) of arteriovenous anastomoses in different organs and systems in a human organism.
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Advanced capabilities of analysis of R/S wave amplitude alternation behavior on ECG as non-linear dynamic system

The article aims at describing the theoretical principles of cardiometry as a fundamentally new scientific field which enables the accurate measurement of the cardiovascular system parameters.
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Heart transplantation mysteriously eliminates arrhythmia

For a long time cardiologists have not been able to explain why the problem of cardiac arrhythmia in a heart transplant recipient practically disappears. In fact, this issue has never been raised for discussion. At the same time, my new theory of arrhythmias (NTA) has been discussed at conferences and in mass media for the last 4 years.
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Conference report

Anatomy and physiology of the sinoatrial node: modern concepts

Deciding to discuss the above topic is determined due to a number of reasons. Firstly, the currently used ablation techniques make possible to reach the area of the sinoatrial (SA) node that required an accurate description of the node localization and possible ways of carrying out ablation procedures.
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Original research

Correction of the recording artifacts and detection of the functional deviations in ECG by means of syndrome decoding with an automatic burst error correction of the cyclic codes using periodograms for determination of code component spectral range<br>Part II: Old mathematics for the novel applied problems of Cardiometry

This paper describes a novel approach to the analysis of electrocardiographic data based on the consideration of the repetitive P, Q, R, S, T sequences as cyclic codes. In Part I we introduce a principle similar to the syndrome decoding using the control numbers, which allows correcting the noise combinations.
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