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Theory of health: successful translation into the real life

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The paper reveals logical relationships between events, facts and results of research studies and exemplary materials of practical applications of the adaptational reactions. It is demonstrated that the stress reaction by H. Selye and the anti-stressor type adaptational reactions by L. Kh. Garkavi, E.B. Kvakina and M.A. Ukolova have become the cornerstone in development of scientifically grounded approaches to control of the organism states.


Oleg I. Kit, Alla I. Shikhlyarova, Galina Y. Maryanovskaya, Lyudmila P. Barsukova, Tatiana S. Kuzmenko, Galina V. Zhukova, Elena P. Korobeinikova, Elena A. Sheiko, Tatiana P. Protasova, Natalia M. Maschenko. Theory of health: successful translation into the real life. General biological prerequisites. Cardiometry; No.7; November 2015; p.11-17; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2015.7.1117 Available from:


Antistressor reactions,  Periodic law,  Self organization processes,  Adaptational reaction,  Activation therapy
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