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Application of principles of space medicine to health monitoring of the aging population

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Monitoring the health of astronauts based on the assessment of the functional state of the body within the realms of norm and pathology. The area of functional states qualifies as the yellow score of health on a notional scale 'traffic light of health': Modern medicine is particularly interested in studying the health of the yellow score, because of the preventative measures that could still be taken before making contact with the healthcare system. This method has been used in a study of a group of people (mean age >70) during their stay at a resort in northern Ontario. Data were obtained by a spectral analysis of HRV. High-frequency oscillations (HF,%), indicating the increased activity of the parasympathetic system, which protects the body from stress was significantly increased. Centralization of control of autonomic functions (IC) was decreased as well as heart rate. All these changes indicate growth of functional reserves, aimed at increasing protection against stress’ effect due to environmental factors. This research shows that the method based on space medicine assessment in health can be successfully utilized within various fields of physiology and medicine, particularly in gerontological practice to dynamically monitor and research ways to improve the health of the elderly.


Roman М. Baevsky, Azalia P. Berseneva, Peter A. Baevsky, Maia Master. Application of principles of space medicine to health monitoring of the aging population; Cardiometry; No.6; May 2015; p.22-29; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2015.6.2229 Available from:


Health,  Functional state,  Stress,  Space medicine,  Heart rate variability,  Spectral analysis,  Risk of disease,  Functional reserves,  Gerontology,  Aging
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