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Biophysical phenomena in blood flow system in the process of indirect arterial pressure measurement

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Diagnostic parameter “arterial pressure” known in medical practice from the earliest times is now widely used for assessment of body state. Indirect occlusive methods are the most popular measurement techniques. Although the indirect method of measurement is more than one hundred years old there is no precise understanding of biophysical processes taking place in compressed blood flow.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko, Olga K. Voronova, Vladimir A. Zernov. Biophysical phenomena in blood flow system in the process of indirect arterial pressure measurement; Cardiometry; No.6; May 2015; p.49-64; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2015.6.4964 Available from:


Biophysics,  Blood flow,  Arterial pressure,  Measurement,  Cardiovascular diagnostics
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