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Diagnostic value of measured hemodynamic parameters: cardiac output, minute volume and a complete set of phase-related volumes of blood

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The paper reviews the existing methods for hemodynamic parameters measurement, namely the Fick method, the thermodilution technique and the Cardiocode technology. Comparative analysis of the above methods is presented. Strong and weak points in each method and their informative values are identified. Distinctive features of the Cardiocode method, as the only noninvasive one, are described.


Nikolay E. Sapuntsov, Olga K. Voronova, Vladimir A. Zernov, Konstantin K. Mamberger. Diagnostic value of measured hemodynamic parameters: cardiac output, minute volume and a complete set of phase-related volumes of blood; Cardiometry; No.6; May 2015; p.83-95; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2015.6.8395 Available from:


Hemodynamics,  The Fick method,  Thermodilution,  Cardiocode
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