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Analysis of methods for assessing threats in the field of data storage

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At present, in the conditions of the active development of the information society, when information is the main means of production, special attention is paid to the methods and means of organizing its protection and storage. A large number of developments, both software and physical, are devoted to this issue. Cybersecurity is becoming more and more necessary every day and, as a result, popular, as a result of which a large number of specialists with a basic education in the field of information security graduate every year. In addition, an extensive regulatory framework has been developed that regulates the procedure and principles for protecting and storing data. Thus, we can talk about the existence of an entire industry aimed at maintaining and improving information security. Besides, it is proved herein that there is a need to develop a method for quantitative assessment of the security of stored data.


Viktor M. Kureichik, Sergey S. Pirozhkov, Olga N. Sakharova, Konstantin V. Kamyshev, Elena N. Kamenskaya, Murat P. Deberdeev. Analysis of methods for assessing threats in the field of data storage. Cardiometry; Issue 27; May 2023; p.161-163; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.27.161163; Available from:


Cybersecurity,   Threats,   Data,   Storage
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