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Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Indian Insurance Sector, including Healthcare Companies

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This research aims to understand better the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) cases in the insurance industry, including healthcare companies. In particular, we want to expand the size and market penetration of AI in insurance markets to boost customer satisfaction in the insurance industry. The analytical model attempts to define the relationship between AI and its implementation in the insurance industry. Rigorous research to test the definition was carried out through a sample of international corporations and insurance firms. This work presents various practical findings that insurance companies consider quite useful when responding to dissatisfied customers and certain organizational concerns. This paper aims to identify the challenges and enablers that have evolved in the context of artificial intelligence adoption, specifically in the finance sector, and to analyze the impact of this disruptive technology on the organization’s financial performance and market capitalization. The findings indicate that, in addition to the various risks and challenges associated with artificial intelligence adoption, it is critical for all financial institutes or companies involved in financial tasks to adopt artificial intelligence to compete globally.


Akshat Pradeep, Kanchan Patil. Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Indian Insurance Sector, including Healthcare Companies. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.499-508; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.499508; Available from:


Healthcare insurance,  Artificial intelligence,  Implementation,  Financial performance,  Market capitalization,  Adoption,  Customers and certain organizational concerns
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