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Study of factors influencing online purchase intention of electronic household products

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The paper aims to study the impact of various factors influencing consumer household electronic product purchase intention on online platforms. Hundred and eighty-six filled responses were considered for the study with the help of a structured questionnaire. Much information was studied employing various regression techniques. The multiple regression analysis revealed that eWOM and Perceived Benefits positively and significantly impact consumer household electronic products purchase intention on online platforms. Among the predictors, eWOM had the strongest effect on the purchase intention towards consumer household electronic products on online platforms. The study outcomes give vital insights regarding the impact of various factors influencing consumer household electronic product purchase intention on online platforms. Google forms were used and distributed to the invitees asking them to fill data voluntarily. All respondents were promised confidentiality for their personal information. Perceived Risks were adapted from 19, and three items of Perceived eWOM were modified and taken to suit the current. Three items of Perceived price were adapted from.


Amit Kumar Seharawat, Komal Chopra, Jai Prakash Singh. Study of factors influencing online purchase intention of electronic household products. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.641-648; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.641648; Available from:


eWOM,  Perceived price,  Perceived risk,  Perceived benefits,  Perceived quality purchase intention
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