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Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Brand Loyalty and Purchase Consideration of Products and Services for Millennials

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Can Corporate Social Responsibility have marketing implications and create value for the firm? This is a question which marketing managers often face. This study helps to examine and identify if CSR has a role in building brand loyalty and purchase consideration of products and services for Millennials. A questionnaire was rolled out, and factor analysis was conducted on the data. The Findings suggest that CSR does help in creating a strong brand image, adds to the brand value of the firm, and helps to develop brand loyalty in the consumers and firms, which invest in CSR, are easily recognized by the consumer and thus helps them to consider the firm for the purchase of products & services. Thus, Marketing Managers should focus on aligning CSR activities, so the consumer can also be engaged with the brand and adds value to all stakeholders. Thus if CSR managers enforce in their organizations to make sustainable products, customers can be won on product differentiation.


Jigar Chhadwa, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar, J. C. Sharmiladevi. Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Brand Loyalty and Purchase Consideration of Products and Services for Millennials. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.577-584; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.ХХХ; Available from:


Corporate social responsibility,  Purchase consideration,  Millennials,  Marketing,  Brand loyalty
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