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Psychology of consumer: study of factors influencing buying behavior of millennials towards fast-fashion brands

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India is a growing economy, and fast fashion has boomed over recent years since it has been following trends and targeting the correct audience, i.e., millennials. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the buying behavior of millennials towards fast fashion brands. This study also focuses on examining the millennials decision influenced buying behavior. Respondents were polled using an electronic survey method. A quantitative method was carried out to explore the responses; the decision to use this approach was primarily influenced by the desire to examine the trend of the millennial generation’s fast fashion and purchasing habits by introducing a societal viewpoint. The sample population consists of millennials who use the above-mentioned brands. The findings show that independent factors chosen for this study have a positive impact on purchase intention. The study provides useful context concerning the purchase intention of fast fashion brands in India and how buying behavior of millennials is affected.


Abhik Bhattacharjee, Ruby S. Chanda. Psychology of consumer: study of factors influencing buying behavior of millennials towards fast-fashion brands. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.360-368; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.360368; Available from:


Psychology,  Millennials,  Fast fashion,  Purchase intention,  Growing economy,  Buying behavior
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