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Organizations Take Initiatives For The Development Of Women Leaders

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1) To Understand the male to female ratio prevailing in the organization 2) To Understand how effective are women development initiatives in organizations from a women’s perspective to determine if they will be appreciated and perceived as positive by the women. 3) To understand if the presence of women leaders in the organization leads to better engagement. 4) To understand, as suggested by research, are women leaders warmer and more male leaders more aggressive?


Sample - The sample size would be 50 men and women from all over India belonging to different age groups between 25-50 and are currently working in various corporations • Primary Research: In-Depth Interview, Survey • Secondary research: literature review • Analysis of the collected data

Practical implications

This will help identify why, even though there is awareness about the importance of having women leaders, the initiatives were taken for their development have not contributed significantly. This paper will help understand if these initiatives are enough in the given culture of the organization that has pre-defined norms and expectations from a woman’s standpoint of view.


This research will mainly focus on the view of women about development initiatives in the organization


Saloni Bhardwaj, Vinita Sinha, Sucheta Mandal. Organizations Take Initiatives For The Development Of Women Leaders. Cardiometry; Issue 23; August 2022; p.283-291; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2022.23.283291; Available from:


Leadership,  Women,  Masculine,  Social expectations,  In-depth interview
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