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Algorithm for calculating blood pressure (BP) using a spline database of pulse waves

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Finding an algorithm for determining blood pressure (BP) along the pulse wave contour (PW) is the most difficult task after solving the problem of obtaining the most undistorted PW signal. Attempts to develop such an algorithm inevitably rest on the fact that the measurement of PV in the shoulder area using cuff tonometers (with the method by Korotkoff N. S. or Savitsky N. N.) differs in its physical nature from the cuff-free method of determining blood pressure using an arterial tonometer. However, the requirements for medical accuracy assume that the blood BP deviation tolerance shall be at least equivalent in comparison with the Korotkoff tonometer in accuracy tests regulated by the applicable international standard. In this regard, the computational procedures for processing the PW contour are continuously improved that is the subject of this paper.


Igor Yavelov, George Danielyan, Ivan Kireev, Andrey Rochagov, Anatoly Zholobov, Oleg Yavelov. Algorithm for calculating blood pressure (BP) using a spline database of pulse waves. Cardiometry; Issue 17; November 2020; p.107-109; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2020.17.107109; Available from:


Algorithm for determining blood pressure (BP),  The contour of PW,  Arterial tonometer,  Spline base of PW reference standard curve patterns,  Medical accuracy of blood pressure determination
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