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The J wave: why so many contradictions and confusion in interpretation of its diagnostic value?

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There has been a significant interest in recent times in discussing how to properly interpret the diagnostic value of the point J on ECG. At first sight, it might appear to be a rather simple issue, but till now no consensus in its interpretation has been reached. Volume 46 of Journal of Electrocardiology No.5, September/October 2013 is fully devoted to the above mentioned topics. A lot of publications in various journals and conference reports supply us with a great variety of concepts treating this problem.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko. The J wave: why so many contradictions and confusion in interpretation of its diagnostic value?; Cardiometry; No.4; May 2014; p.8-15; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2014.4.815 Available from:


Cardiac cycle,  ECG,  Point L,  Rheogram Wave j,  Wave j
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