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Phase characteristics of rheograms. Original classification of phase-related changes of rheos

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The phase characteristics of a rheogram are described in literature in general only. The existing theory of impedance rheography is based on an analysis of the form of rheogram envelopes, but not on the phase-related processes and their interpretation according to the applicable laws of physics. The aim of the present paper is to describe the phase-related characteristics of a rheogram of the ascending aorta. The method of the heart cycle phase analysis has been used for this purpose. By synchronizing an ECG of the aorta and a rheogram, an analysis of specific changes in the aorta blood filling in each phase is provided. As a result, the phase changes of a rheogram associated with the ECG phase structure are described and tabulated for first time. The author hereof offers his own original classification of the phase-related changes of rheograms.


Mikhail Y. Rudenko. Phase characteristics of rheograms. Original classification of phase-related changes of Rheos; Cardiometry; No.4; May 2014; p.94-96; DOI:10.12710/cardiometry.2014.4.9496 Available from:


Ascending aorta,  Classification,  ECG,  Heart cycle phase analysis,  Impedance cardiography,  Phase related changes,  Rheogram
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