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Cardiometry: pioneering experience in assessment of the heart performance and evaluation of fatal arrhythmia risks in intensive care unit patients

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In the paper presented is an application study of the heart performance phase mechanism with the use of the Cardiocode analyzer based on principles of cardiometry for evaluating iatrogenic complications caused by antiarrhythmic therapy and monitoring the quality of treatment of hemodynamic disorders in inhospital intensive care units. The aim of the study is a thorough estimation of the diagnostic and functional quality of the performance of the Cardiocode device and developing a new methodology of its application under the conditions of the intensive care units, when predicting fatal arrhythmia progression. 50 patients with true cardiogenic shock of different degrees of severity have been examined with Cardiocode. As a result, it is established that the application of the heart cycle phase analysis in diagnostics, hemodynamics evaluation and management with the medication and infusion therapy supported by the Cardiocode device allows reducing the mortality rate by 32 ± 3.4%.


Vladimir V. Chepenko. Cardiometry: pioneering experience in assessment of the heart performance and evaluation of fatal arrhythmia risks in intensive care unit patients; Cardiometry; No.4; May 2014; p.151-155; doi:10.12710/cardiometry.2014.4.151155. Available from:


Antiarrhythmic,  Cardiocode,  Cardiogenic shock,  Cardiometry,  Heart cycle phase analysis,  Iatrogenic complications,  Mortality,  Treatment quality
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