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The role of CT scan in imaging and diagnosing kidney diseases

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Kidney stones are solid deposits that usually form in the kidneys. These deposits can be very small, the size of a grain of sand, or be larger than that. They may take different shapes and cause several symptoms. The pain is usually caused by the movement of stones into the urinary tract, causing irritation and swelling of the surrounding tissue. The research was conducted in At Al-Sadr Teaching hospital The number of patients was 150 samples, 100 of which were males and 50 of which were females. The age of the patients was 40.141±1.77 for males and 2.7±44.234 for females. The clinical results for symptoms of fever were 38.% yes, while 62% there was no fever and The clinical findings. of Vomiting and Nausea 49% were yes, while 51% there was no Vomiting and Nausea as well as The clinical findings of Pain and Severe back spasms 13% were yes, while 87% there was no Pain and Severe back spasms and also The clinical findings of Severe pain in the Right flank.12% were yes, while 88% there was no Pain and 87 Severe back spasms. Clinical results for symptoms of Pain in the Ribs and Rib Cage were 38% yes, while 62% there was no Pain in the Ribs and Rib Cage while The clinical findings of Burning During Urination 12% were yes, while 88% there was no Burning During Urination, the clinical findings of Frequent Urination a Number of Times 50% were yes, while 50% there was no Frequent Urination a Number of Times symptoms and clinical findings of Urinating a Small Amount of Urine and The clinical findings of Dark or Red Urine in the same percentage, while The clinical findings of Does Urination Smell bad 12.5% were yes, while 87.5% there was no Does Urination Smell bad and The clinical findings of Feeling pain when Urinating 14% were yes, while 86% there was no feeling pain when urinating. This shows that kidney stones have a clear clinical effect.


Kzal Mohammed Qader, Nour A. Abdulkhaleq, Salwah Kareem Dawood, Sally Yakoob Mustansiriyah University. The role of CT scan in imaging and diagnosing kidney diseases. Cardiometry; Issue 32; August 2024; p.21-24; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.32.2124; Available from:


Kidney stones,  CT Scan,  kVp,  Adult patients
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