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The problem of organizing medical care for surgical patients in rural areas

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Topicality. Changes in medicine are one of the indispensable components of the development and progress in this industry. For many years, healthcare has been actively evolving based on new scientific discoveries, technological advances and clinical research evidence. Continuous improvement of medical equipment has a huge impact on the health and well-being of people around the world. Along with the above, when it refers to medicine, rural areas often face problems with public access to medical care services, including high-quality health care. Aim: to analyze and propose a scientifically based model for the organization of surgical care for rural residents. Materials and methods. Statistical and analytical methods are used in the given study, as well as extracting information from the data of state statistical reporting forms and reference literature sources available. Results of the study. Despite all the advances in theoretical medicine, problems in rural medicine remain. Solving the problem of organizing medical care for surgical patients in rural areas is a long-term task that requires not only financial investments, but also efforts by medical personnel, governmental bodies and the society as a whole. However, due to permanent changes and innovations, medicine in rural areas has been developing and becomes more effective and accessible to rural residents. This is an important problem that requires immediate attention and solutions to ensure high-quality and accessible medical care services for all residents, regardless of place of their residence.


Yulia V. Nazarova, Danila A. Gluzdakov, Artem S. Karanin, Natalya V. Chvyreva. The problem of organizing medical care for surgical patients in rural areas. Cardiometry; Issue 32; August 2024; p.60-63; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.32.6063; Available from:


Medicine,  Rural areas,  Surgery,  Health care
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