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Instrumental means for identifying personal inclination to protest behavior

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The article presents data on the identification by instrumental methods of two groups of respondents with different response options to situations with various kinds of restrictions and prerequisites for interpersonal conflicts, one of which demonstrated a tendency to protest behavior as a reaction to restrictions and as a manifestation of a low level of self-control, and the second one showed a tendency to conformism as a manifestation of high self-control and internal readiness to follow generally accepted behavioral norms.


Elena V. Brodovskaya, Vladimir A. Lukushin, Aleksandr S. Ognev. Instrumental means for identifying personal inclination to protest behavior. Cardiometry; Issue 32; August 2024; p.49-54; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.32.4954; Available from:


Cardiometry,  Oculometry,  Instrumental psychodiagnostics,  Cognitive schemes,   Attitudes,  Protest behavior
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