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Cardiometric and oculographic indicators of the resource potential of various factors of personal success

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The article presents results of our experimental studies demonstrating the techniques and methods of instrumental diagnostics of individual preferences that the test subject intuitively attributes to a number of significant factors of his/her personal success, as well as those role models, which are perceived by the test subject as the most appropriate description of his/her current state; some features of instrumentally recordable reactions to specially selected stimuli are noted herein to provide additional opportunities for identifying the hierarchical system of vital goals and values ​​of a person, a dispositional description of the structure of his/her actual needs.


Aleksandr S. Ognev. Cardiometric and oculographic indicators of the resource potential of various factors of personal success. Cardiometry; Issue 32; August 2024; p.42-48; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.32.4248; Available from:


Cardiometry,  Oculometry,  Instrumental psychodiagnostics,  Personal preferences,  Value orientations,  Role preferences
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