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Modern methods of diagnosis of gynecological diseases

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The article discusses modern methods of diagnosis of gynecological diseases. In recent years, there has been significant progress in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, including gynecology. This paper presents an overview of modern methods of diagnosing gynecological diseases using AI. The authors consider various approaches, such as machine learning and deep learning, and describe their advantages in the context of improving diagnostic accuracy and speed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of large volumes of medical data, which allow us to create more effective diagnostic algorithms. Additionally, the potential of integrating AI into clinical practice and its impact on improving the quality of medical care for women is being considered, opening up new prospects in the field of gynecology.


Polina V. Mitrofanova, Khadidja S. Ramazanova, Milena B. Beshkok, Aslizhan Z. Goroeva, Polina O. Sidorenko, Madina E. Khodova, Kristina I. Gagloeva, Aida T. Palchaeva, Vera S. Zhukova, Anastasia P. Merkulova. Modern methods of diagnosis of gynecological diseases. Cardiometry; Issue 31; May 2024; p.138-144; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.31.138144; Available from:


Gynecological diseases,  Artificial intelligence,  Machine learning,  Diagnostic algorithms
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