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Innovations in laparoscopy: current trends and prospects for the development of surgical techniques

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The article examines current trends and prospects for the development of surgical techniques in laparoscopy with an emphasis on innovation. The latest technologies and methods used in laparoscopic surgery, such as robotic surgery, improved video systems, three-dimensional visualization and telemedicine solutions, are highlighted. The authors analyze the benefits of these innovations, including more accurate and effective procedures, shorter patient recovery time, and reduced risk of complications. The challenges facing the introduction of new technologies, including the need for staff training and the high cost of equipment, are also considered. It is concluded that innovations in laparoscopy play a key role in modern surgery and have the potential to significantly improve patient outcomes in the future.


Ekaterina M. Noskova, Sofia N. Darmina, Aiza R. Zubairaeva, Elizaveta E. Mytnik, Lyubava S. Baiandurova, Inna Z. Tlupova, Evgeny O. Gabuev, Elizaveta A. Khabibulla, Aleksandra E. Tserr, Natalia S. Bashmakova. Innovations in laparoscopy: current trends and prospects for the development of surgical techniques. Cardiometry; Issue 31; May 2024; p.33-39; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.31.3339; Available from:


Laparoscopy,  Innovations,  Surgical techniques,  Current trends,  Development prospects
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