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Features of pregnancy management and prevention of complications in patients with SLE

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The article discusses the features of pregnancy management and prevention of complications in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The authors note that pregnancy outcomes in patients with SLE are improving due to medical advances; however, pregnancy caused by lupus is still associated with a large number of maternal and fetal complications compared to healthy women. The frequency of exacerbations of lupus during pregnancy is high, and with SLE, the frequency of fetal loss, premature birth and the birth of newborns with a body weight deficit increases. Early prediction of possible complications is necessary to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes. The authors determined that in most cases, bearing children by women with a history of SLE brings favorable results. Consultations during the prenatal period, adequate interdisciplinary supervision and optimal processing of fundamental procedures allow us to achieve good results.


Rayana B. Chidigova, Rayana A. Yandarova, Bella Sh. Parshoeva, Daniil Yu. Zavarzin. Features of pregnancy management and prevention of complications in patients with SLE. Cardiometry; Issue 30; February 2024; p.98-102; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.30.98102; Available from:


Pregnancy,  Systemic lupus erythematosus,  Complications,  Prevention
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