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Prevention of ophthalmological diseases in children against the background of certain intestinal pathologies

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The article discusses the areas of work in the field of prevention of ophthalmic diseases in children against the background of certain intestinal pathologies. The authors note the importance of understanding the need to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which not only negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also contribute to the development of ophthalmic diseases in children. Experts have determined that exposure to the human microbiome through the use of probiotics and prebiotics can both effectively reduce the level of inflammation of the intestinal tract, and prevent or reduce the degree of development of various ophthalmological diseases. Accordingly, preventive measures related to the use of probiotics and prebiotics will allow specialists in the field of ophthalmology to increase the effectiveness of specialized therapy for eye diseases by reducing the negative effect of IBD on the child's body.


Alina A. Stadnik, Diana A. Tebueva, Milagros T. Gashimova, Angelina E. Doronina, Asiyat E. Batyrova, Ilia I. Zakharov. Prevention of ophthalmological diseases in children against the background of certain intestinal pathologies. Cardiometry; Issue 30; February 2024; p.85-91; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2024.30.8591; Available from:рrevention-ophthalmological-diseases-children


Ophthalmological diseases,  Prevention,  Digestive organs,  Pathologies of non-infectious nature
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