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Cardiometric assessment of visual stimuli to identify likely reactions to destructive network content

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The article presents the experimental confirmation of the hypothesis that with the help of cardio- and oculometric attestation of various types of visual content, it is possible to conduct a selective analysis of the stimulus material used in projective diagnostics and to identify a group of images most suitable for operative counseling, and also shows that there is often an increased interest in content that symbolizes the value of rivalry and risky forms of behavior, with a high degree of probability, will correlate with the rapid manifestation of the respondent's dissatisfaction with various kinds of restrictions on their own behavior.


Elena V. Brodovskaya, Anna Yu. Dombrovskaya, Ivan D. Kravchuk, Elvira V. Likhacheva, Vladimir A. Lukushin, Lyubov P. Nikolaeva, Alexander S. Ognev, Roman V. Parma. Cardiometric assessment of visual stimuli to identify likely reactions to destructive network content. Cardiometry; Issue 29; November 2023; p.47-53; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.29.4753; Available from:


Cardiometry,  projective psychodiagnostics,  psychomemantics,  cognitive schemas,  causal attribution,  destructive content
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