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New possibilities of combining multimodal game modeling and cardiometric detection in instrumental cognitive science

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The article presents experimental results indicating the high efficiency of using in instrumental cognitive science some sand patterns on light tablets, created by respondents as illustrations of their problems, and possible ways to solve them. It is shown that the creation of such stimuli is less labor-intensive compared to the use of other types of multimodal game modeling for the same purposes, and it is noted that this procedure causes less resistance by respondents to the upcoming instrumental diagnostics and may well serve as an operational means for conducting large-scale studies of cognitive processes, during which the subjects will have to set semantic priorities and make vital decisions.


Alexander S. Ognev. New possibilities of combining multimodal game modeling and cardiometric detection in instrumental cognitive science. Cardiometry; Issue 28; August 2023; p.13-18; DOI: 10.18137/cardiometry.2023.28.1318; Available from:


Cardiometry,   Cognitive science,   Instrumental Psychodiagnostics,   Multimodal Game Modeling
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