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Valentina E. Demidova

Born in 1955.

Experienced expert in breathing practice. A direct disciple, colleague and follower of Konstantin P. Buteyko and Alexandra S. Strelnikova.

Pediatrician, infectious disease MD, immunologist, physiotherapist, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor at SFedU, author of research articles, developer of manuals and programs on health diagnostics and health recovery in children and adults.

As of today, she went a long way in science with searching for original effective methods and practice for almost 40 years, teaching how to use a systematic approach, ACTIVELY involving every patient in his/her own healing process.

Her scientific tools are based on developments of different folks from their centuries’ history, as well as modern discoverers of human capabilities.

Valentina E. Demidova considers medicine as a science. Undoubtedly, this is the base, or the basis that continues the study of diseases and health, avoiding the archaic!


1974-1981 Student at the Rostov-on-Don Medical Institute (RODN MI), graduated Cum Laude, qualified as Pediatrician.
1981-1983 Residency/ traineeship in medical specialty Infectious Diseases and Immunology. Upon graduation, additionally qualified as Regional Specialist-Immunologist.
2000 Dissertation on the theme Valeological and Pedagogical Diagnostics at Advanced Training Courses for Educators; PhD, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

Activity & Experience

1983-1988 Specialist-Immunologist at the Municipal Hospital No. 1, Taganrog, Head of Department of Healthy Childhood.
1988-1990 Teacher in physiology at the Taganrog Medical School.
1990-1995 Chief Physician at the Educational and Recreational Center CIM.
1995-2001 Senior Researcher, Physician, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Advanced Training & Refresher Institute.
2002-2008 Associate Professor at the Department of Medical and Pedagogical Problems, the Southern Federal University (SFedU).
Since 2008 till the present time, she has been involved in activities at various educational institutions as immunologist and healthy lifestyle promoter. Author of more than 20 health programs for adults and children. Coach-methodologist in Health Groups. 32-year-experience in working with groups according to the author's original methods and techniques.
Since 2015, she has been leading the creative group "Healthy teacher - healthy child" in the Aksai District, Rostov Region.

Occupational priorities

  • Theoretically and practically substantiated education in various projects (conferences, workshop, trainings) for educators as an important link in the formation of the personality of a future citizen of Russia, focused on healthy lifestyle;
  • Use of her own original personal tools and expertise as a doctor and teacher;
  • Uninterrupted improvement of the existing competencies on healthy lifestyle propaedeutics and practices for restoring the level of holistic health;

Valentina E. Demidova is the author of about 30 publications on diagnostics, theory and practice of healthy lifestyle, and pedagogical valeology.

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