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Physiotherapy and Physical Activity: A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring Physical Activity Promotion and the Physical Activity among Physiotherapists in Bangalore

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Introduction: Physical action is a significant viewpoint in our everyday life. In India, around 36.9% of the population is inactive physically. Physical action has a significant medical advantage related to increasingly ideal natural cardiovascular disease hazards considering youngsters and teenagers’ profiles. Healthy habits are progressively significant in physiotherapists as they are future advisors who dismiss embracing a healthy way of life and are bound to neglect to set up well-being advancement and open doors for their patients. Aim of the Study: The study's objective is to identify the physical activity levels among the Physiotherapist in Bangalore. Material and Method: This study involves 100 Physiotherapists between the ages of 22-50 years of male and female genders in Bangalore. A self-reported physical activity assessment was taken using the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Outcome Measure: Participants self-reported physical activity using the IPAQ Questionnaire, which comprises 4 generic items (Occupation, leisure time, domestic, transport). Analysis: Interpreting the data using the SPSS V. 20 software. Conclusion: This study shows that 50% of physiotherapists are physically active and 36% are moderate, and 14% are low in physical activity in Bangalore.


Budamala Pavani, Milan Anand, S. Sudhakar Physiotherapy and Physical Activity: A Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring Physical Activity Promotion and the Physical Activity among Physiotherapists in Bangalore. Cardiometry; No.26 February 2023; p.-; DOI: .; Available from:


Physical activity,  Physiotherapist,  IAPQ questionnaire,  MET
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