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Finite element analysis of fractured femur bone with prosthetic bone plates using ANSYS software

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Bones are living tissues made of calcium and phosphorus among other elements. In the early years, they replenish themselves and expand quickly. The bone is viewed as a homogenous, isotropic, linear-elastic material. The foundation of the human skeleton are the bones. It aids in supporting the body's softer areas. Trauma is a significant factor in both industrialised and developing nations in terms of mortality and disability. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), trauma will account for the majority of years of life lost in both developed and developing countries by the year 2020. One of the frequent traumas is a bone fracture. Using bone plates to connect the fractured bone is one way to treat the broken bone. This study compares bone plates constructed of several biomaterials (Stainless Steel, Titanium, Alumina, Nylon, and PMMA) to determine which one is the best. SOLIDWORKS is used to model the femur bone, while ANSYS is used for analysis. Also modelled, attached to a fractured bone, and examined are the fracture fixation plates.


K. Sankar, A. Kalaiyarasan, D. Sasikala, S. Selvarasu, J. Rangarajan, J. Kirubakaran, R.Vijayakumar Finite Element Analysis of Fractured Femur Bone with Prosthetic Bone Plates Using ANSYS Software. Cardiometry; No.26 February 2023; p.-; DOI: .; Available from:


Biomaterials,  FEMUR,  ANSYS,  Trauma,  Fracture
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